“Cafe Cliche Will Be Closed Until Further Notice”
Decatur Metro | February 3, 2010That’s what the sign on the door to the barely year-old cafe in the 340 West Ponce building says, along with an” Available” sign from Shumacher Group.
If the first isn’t an ominous sign, the second certainly is!
Carl headed over there after a Twitter tipster gave us the heads-up and snapped this pic.
they always seemed so nice 
Very sad, they were great. Delicious food, outstanding service and so friendly. I will miss them and wish them well.
Wow … more empty retail space.
Tried to go there Wed. night but only saw the dark store, not the sign. This explains it. We loved being regulars there. So sorry.
I’m not surprised. Weren’t they the only business still open in that building? I liked Cafe Cliche a lot and the guys were super nice. (Though I thought their ice cream was pretty pricey.)
I think you’re right that the entire building is empty now.
That’s too bad. Never got to try it because they weren’t open early enough for us.
Gee, could that name have had anything to do with it?!?
Yeah, I had never been there because I couldn’t tell what kind of food they serviced, and the name didn’t exactly beckon me.
I saw some people working in the old Little Azio space last night – looked like painters and such. That’s where a new Thai / Sushi place is going in, right? So at least something will be in that building, hopefully it will be successful and attract other tenants. I am sorry to hear about Cafe Cliche. The times I went there, coffee was great and people super nice.
I thought it was odd that after Indie Coffee & Books closed someone went and re-opened another coffee shop in its space. Also, the few times I went in there for coffee I was struck by the weird vibe I got from the guy behind the counter (whom I presumed was the owner). I’d make my order (large coffee, please) and be greeted with a blank expression like I’d just spoken it in another language…or like there was something I was leaving out.
I found the employees ( or maybe owners) to be very personable. I admit I hadn’t been in for a while though. I mostly went for the Button Cakes. I was sad when those cupcakes went away.
Only had the chance to go in 2-3 times from my work schedule but the people who worked there seemed super nice and the red velvet cupcakes were amazing!