Quite a Sunset
Decatur Metro | December 26, 2009There’s already quite a bit of chatter about tonight’s magnificent sunset on Twitter. For those still out of town or stuck inside, here are a couple pics my wife and I took of the action from North Candler Street.
really nice first shot!
Beautiful picture indeed. I was at the Midtown Art shopping center during sunset. I kept thinking of Gone with the Wind.
Weird, so I wasn’t the only one who noticed
Here’s my shot from Perimeter (don’t hate – still follow DM from my days living around and going to Emory):
Hey, nice shots from over by my old office (above the salon/barber shop). Used to enjoy some nice sunsets from the rooftop garden there. I totally lucked out having a meeting at the moment I did (and in the great corner location), as I’m otherwise housesitting in the middle of the woods. Before we arrived, I’d actually commented that it was a shame the sky was rather cloudy since we wouldn’t likely see the sunset; instead, we witnessed one of the best yet.
Lovely, thanks for sharing! Lucky you had your camera with you. This rivals the sunsets over the Adirondacks as seen from the Lake Champlain Valley.
So funny — Sitting Pugs, I actually said out loud, “Looks like the last scene from GWTW”!!!
It was truly a gorgeous sunset — I watched it from my bedroom window.
I was practically hearing the theme song in my head while I gazed at the drape of magenta and yellow.
Absolutely gorgeous– nicely done, DM! And thanks for sharing…
A lady stopped me in the Druid Hills Target parking lot to point out this very sunset yesterday, and many other shoppers were talking about it too. :^D