Uh, oh. When did the G disappear? My child was among a group of RMS students visiting downtown during their day off today due to sunny, pleasant weather, I mean floods. And ever since playing Scrabble with Mr. Stewart at Glennwood and Mr. Fuller at Renfroe, they are darn good at making words that will fit!
OK, not to be too gross here, but you know when it says “100% all-beef patty”? Well there are lots of parts of a cow that you may not really want to eat, but all of which count as “beef”. So, all joking aside, many of us have probably – erp – come pretty close to eating what is advertised on the sign.
Oh…My…LORD! I laughed at this until my sides hurt (literally). Coarse? Yes. Puerile? Absolutely. That didn’t keep it from hitting my funnybone something fierce (coulda been because it was both of those)! Why is it, no matter how old we get, we still find hilarity in naughty bits (and words like “booger” or “fart”)???
*whew* Thanks for the laugh, DM. I really needed that, after the past two days.
I’m reading this thread, chuckling, then fondly reminded of the Mr. Show skit about Ding Dong burgers (WARNING: plenty of cursing if you’re offending by such things): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFPk7xazzAA
Funny? Yes. Very. But also sad. It’s not like the “G” fell off. Someone simply didn’t put it up there. Between the missing “G” and the backwards “N”, education has failed someone.
You think someone put it up that way? My guess was that someone saw a Scrabble opportunity, swiped the G, and then smushed the rest of the letters together.
I sure hope it was on purpose. But it would probably have to be an employee b/c you need one of those suction cup thingys on the end of a long pole to get the letter down. Maybe standing on someone’s shoulders at night?
Think I’ll choose to believe it was on purpose. Now we’re back to just funny.
Uh, oh. When did the G disappear? My child was among a group of RMS students visiting downtown during their day off today due to sunny, pleasant weather, I mean floods. And ever since playing Scrabble with Mr. Stewart at Glennwood and Mr. Fuller at Renfroe, they are darn good at making words that will fit!
I always wondered why they needed a special sauce.
¿But is it free-range?
Is this what they call ‘truth in advertising’? ewww
Ha! That was actually what the post was originally titled Cindy. Had some trouble deciding.
But now I know what it should have been…
“McDonald’s Introduces the Anti-Kosher Burger”
OK, not to be too gross here, but you know when it says “100% all-beef patty”? Well there are lots of parts of a cow that you may not really want to eat, but all of which count as “beef”. So, all joking aside, many of us have probably – erp – come pretty close to eating what is advertised on the sign.
Excuse me while I go make a veggie patty.
“This burger tastes like ass!”
“It is!”
Oh…My…LORD! I laughed at this until my sides hurt (literally). Coarse? Yes. Puerile? Absolutely. That didn’t keep it from hitting my funnybone something fierce (coulda been because it was both of those)! Why is it, no matter how old we get, we still find hilarity in naughty bits (and words like “booger” or “fart”)???
*whew* Thanks for the laugh, DM. I really needed that, after the past two days.
I’m reading this thread, chuckling, then fondly reminded of the Mr. Show skit about Ding Dong burgers (WARNING: plenty of cursing if you’re offending by such things): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFPk7xazzAA
I’ve had that while showering in the delicious irony of the golden … arches.
Ty it with a side of their hash browns (not spelling modification needed)
Funny? Yes. Very. But also sad. It’s not like the “G” fell off. Someone simply didn’t put it up there. Between the missing “G” and the backwards “N”, education has failed someone.
You think someone put it up that way? My guess was that someone saw a Scrabble opportunity, swiped the G, and then smushed the rest of the letters together.
I’m with you. Even McDonald’s employees are not that oblivious.
I sure hope it was on purpose. But it would probably have to be an employee b/c you need one of those suction cup thingys on the end of a long pole to get the letter down. Maybe standing on someone’s shoulders at night?
Think I’ll choose to believe it was on purpose. Now we’re back to just funny.
Does anyone know if it’s still up?
Reminds of my 1977 trip to Mardi Gras. Guess which “C” was missing from the “Canal Service” sign in the Central Business District.
It’s spreading like wildfire!!
Ha! Note to self…avoid the word “angus” on self-promotion signs with movable type.