Weighing The Impact of the BSP Boys
Decatur Metro | April 9, 2009This morning, AJC’s Bob Townsend profiled the Brick Store boys successful sophomore effort. You know the place.
More importantly (ha!), the article gives me an opening to ask a question that’s been fermenting (yes, of course the pun is intended) in my head for a few weeks: Among all the elements and people that contributed to Decatur’s revival in the last 15-20 years, where do the Brick Store boys rank?
Here are a few other influential people/trends/things to consider: smart growth strategy, Atlanta’s growth, the Olympics, individuals in city government, MARTA, Emory, etc…
In terms of implementation, I give major props to Steve Nygren, currently of Serenbe fame, who bought the Watkins building and opened Mick’s when all surrounding evidence suggested a dying or dead town.
A great example of public vision and private money working together to mutual benefit.
Way big props to the boys who realized long ago that Decatur was a lot more ternative than mall.