The Powerful Symbolism of a White House Vegetable Garden
Decatur Metro | March 20, 2009Michael Pollan and a lot of other local foodies will be displaying big smiles at the GA Organics Conference in Decatur this weekend.
The Obama’s have announced plans to plant an organic vegetable garden on the White House lawn.
I can just feel the farm lobby and food manufacturers cringe when Michelle says things like this…
“You can begin in your own cupboard,” she said, “by eliminating processed food, trying to cook a meal a little more often, trying to incorporate more fruits and vegetables.”
How simple.
And how revolutionary.
Yes, very simple and revolutionary indeed. Its about time.
Its such a great feeling to know that these young, dynamic, insightful, educated, intelligent, grounded people are actually living in the White House. And they weren’t spoon fed in some dynasty.
We can relate to them and they can relate to us.
What an absolute breath of fresh air.
I look forward to seeing the urban farm flourish in Decatur and watching the plantings in the White House garden grow.
Yes, how fairy tale like! I’m sure the First Lady will be out tending to the garden on a daily basis.
It is precisely this type of cynicism that is so frustrating about our society. I know at least one single mom of two that finds time to garden, even though she lives in a tiny apartment in Cleveland. I guess she isn’t trolling the internet to vent on perfectly benign blog posts. If it isn’t important to you you won’t make time for it, but that’s your business.
I think it is fabulous for the First Family to be setting an example for all types of households across this country. So no, obviously she won’t be tending to the garden on a daily basis, but she will bringing our attention and focus to important issues facing our country. So maybe cut her a break.
Stop taxing my ass to death and I will make sure that my wife is out there tilling the land and bringing home all the food I need. While tending to my two children.
What a joke.
Warning and mom–lighten up, maybe get a hobby gardening rather than trolling.
OK….I’ll start my hobby by gardening at 10:40 at night.
Many people just don’t have the time, true. Like those that must work two or three jobs to make ends meet.
That said…the average American watches six hours of TV a day, so I’m sure there are a few people out there with the time that will be inspired to start a garden of their own.
And if taxes are a concern, a vegetable garden can help you out there too. A one time sales tax on seeds is a fraction of the sales tax on weekly trips to the supermarket!