Glennwood Elementary Moving Back Start Time By 10 Minutes
Decatur Metro | August 16, 2012Principal Dianna Herron-Watson sent out this letter to parents yesterday…
Dear Glennwood Families,
First, I’d like to thank each of you for such a supportive and positive beginning of school. You have our students coming to school prepared to learn by being rested, on time and with positive learning attitudes! Our staff will continue to practice and develop routines and procedures to ensure we maximize learning time throughout the year.
On Monday, August 20th, Glennwood will make a slight change in our start and end times. This small shift will make a huge impact, ensuring CSD transportation runs more efficiently. Effective on Monday, Glennwood school hours will be changed to 8:00 AM -2:30 PM, a 10 minute adjustment.
We already open our doors and begin serving breakfast at 7:30 AM and this won’t change. Our established morning routines will stay the same. This change in schedule means that students will now move to their classes with staff assistance at 7:50 AM. All students should be in their classrooms ready to learn at 8:00 AM and students not in their classrooms at that time will be considered tardy.
Afternoons will be handled with the same routines. Here is our new bell schedule: