4-Foot Lizard Loose Near Decatur
Decatur Metro | June 7, 2013 | 4:12 pmAtlanta News, Weather, Traffic, and Sports | FOX 5
Atlanta News, Weather, Traffic, and Sports | FOX 5
They’re baaaccck! WPoncer writes in…
I wanted to share this photo my son took on our front porch last night. Think there are two others in the trees with mommy nearby. We watch them (or maybe they watch us) from our back porch every evening. I posted on FFAF about the group rescue of one of these cuties Wednesday.
In case you’re new around these parts, here’s Part I from May 2012.
As seen around West Ponce and Adair Street.
Anne writes in…
this cute guy was in my neighbors back yard yesterday afternoon. I was surprised at his size, about as big as a cat when he fluffed out. we have been hearing “who cooks for you” for months and have spotted a pair often in the trees overhead. the neighbors said another slightly larger one was on their front stoop yesterday morning when they opened the door to head to school. they found this one in back when they got home. with owl parents nearby, we took some photos and guarded from a distance. little guy was last seen in the brush. no sign today, hopefully he got up the nerve to fly.
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