Suburban Plaza Redevelopment Timeline, Other Details Released
Decatur Metro | June 9, 2014 | 1:14 pmThe Medlock Area Neighborhood Association website has released a new letter from Scott Selig, which details many of the next steps as Suburban Plaza is redeveloped. You can read the full letter HERE, but a few of the highlights include (as noted by MANA)…
demolition of parts of existing structures: in the coming weeks (summer 2014)
facade renovations: fall 2014
anticipated redevelopment completion: summer 2015
new tenants open for business: fall 2015
As for physical transportation improvements around the site, Mr. Selig states in the letter that the new traffic signal at the Suburban Plaza entrance on N. Decatur Road has been approved and should be installed “next summer”. Also the installation of a left turn lane median on Church Street has been approved. Additionally, “median islands” for Medlock Road and Sycamore Drive has been approved, and they’ve “initiated the process for the 25MPH speed limit for the two streets.”
The MANA site also notes that Selig is inviting community feedback on a Special Land Use Permit for a drive-through Starbucks at Suburban Plaza, and will host a meeting Tuesday, June 24, 7pm, at North Decatur Presbyterian Church (611 Medlock Road).