Decatur Unified Development Ordinance Kick Off Meeting Tonight
Decatur Metro | November 14, 2013Do you to write code? Well, this meeting ain’t for you. Unless you also enjoy unifying development code (aka ordinances).
Tonight from 7p-8:30p, the City of Decatur will host the Unified Development Ordinance kick-off meeting at City Hall in the City Commission room. What sort of thrilling time can the public expect at such an important and exciting shindig? Well, the DecaturNext website says…
- Representatives of the consulting team will present a sort of UDO:101 to get us all on the same page — what it is, why it’s important, and how it works.
- Attendees will then be given Idea Cards and asked to hack the code by responding to a fundamental question: In what way(s) do you feel our existing development regulations fail to address the intent and/or goals of the Strategic Plan or other adopted policy documents?
I, for one, am hoping there will be theatrical vignettes where the city staff and consultants act out scenarios where the ordinances don’t sync up.
I hope everyone can find some time to attend the kick-off tonight. This is an extremely important project and will impact development in Decatur for the next 50 years. If you cannot attend please go to to review the materials and leave a comment. This site will be updated throughout the process.
Unfortunately, there will be no theatrical vignettes or performance art tonight. I am a big fan of those, but we are saving our performance ability to create Budget: The Musical!
See you tonight.
Amanda Thompson
Planning Director
City of Decatur
Thanks Ms. Thompson. You make increasing regulations and fees sound, well fun. Don’t think I can make it but I’m pretty sure all the usual cheerleaders will be there.
Future headline in the Focus, “Wacky Crowd Supports Ordinance Update: Games, Goals, and Government supported by all who attended DUDOK”.
You’re either part of the solution or you’re part of the problem.
Community elders either show up and participate, making sure their own experiences and insights are represented in the dialogue about how to go forward; or they sit back and throw tomatoes, alternately glaring and smirking at those who are showing up to try and make tomorrow as good as, or better than, today.
Fortunately, it’s a free country and you can do what you want to.
The tone, if not the content, of your comment is all many ‘elders’ need to remind them they need not attempt to contribute to the discussion.
I think STG was just responding to a certain tone and content, as well.
Yep. I scanned too quickly and missed her point; and I think I agree with it.
STG- As a taxpayer and a dedicated community leader ( before Decatur was so cool ) – Mr B has earned the stripes to make those comments . I think what he is hinting at is these things put on by the city have a very “pre determined” thrust about them. They allow the City to check off the boxes of community involvement and then do what they are going to do anyway under the cover of “community buy-in”. That being said – I hope the process takes some load off MrSaxon, Logan, Madajewski et al and allows them to be even more productive.
Well put, Chad. Hope you’re well.
As a 20 year resident I fear the direction that our current city leaders are steering us towards. It is shocking how willing they are to wantonly and brazenly remove rights from property owners and answer all concerns with further regulation.
Chad’s comments are absolutely accurate. This entire process has a very pre-determined taste to it regardless of citizen involvement and feedback.