Free-For-All Friday 11/23/12
Decatur Metro | November 23, 2012Feel free to use this post to make comments and ask questions about local issues not discussed here over the past week.
Comments close on Monday.
Feel free to use this post to make comments and ask questions about local issues not discussed here over the past week.
Comments close on Monday.
« Happy Thanksgiving! How to Make the Most of Small Business Saturday in Decatur »
What’s the deal with all the discarded floss picks on the sidewalks lately? Gross!
so so true. it’s gross on a whole other level.
Not being used as drug paraphenalia? Or part of some tween/teen/twenty something fad?
My guess is they are being distributed by the homeless shelters, but I suppose they might be used for some drug purpose.
Kids can’t floss their teeth with two hands because they’re holding up their pants with one of them.
Has anyone tried the pumpkin pie milkshake at DQ yet? If so, please give review.
I tried one of the pie shakes one year. The “crust” pieces were not good to me but the rest was — I’m pretty sure it was pumpkin pie. I’d ask if they can leave the crust out. Also, free milkshake at Zestos in L5P w ScoutMob. Fresh bananas in the banana shake = yum!
I kind of like the new modern building on North McDonough, on its own. But there? How did that get through zoning?
No zoning variance was required. It meets all zoning regulations for a commercial district.
Steve is correct. It is the older buildings that surround it that are not conforming to code, but are grandfathered in.
Thanks Marty. Twenty years ago, there were very few MacMansions in Decatur. Today they seem to be the norm. My guess is that in fewer than ten years, all the buildings on that side of McDonough will look like the one you commented on or like the new animal hospital in front of the high school ( my personal belief is that both buildings are an improvement to the neighborhood) and most residents will not notice anything unusual about it. Both North McDonough and Church Street south of the old post office will be all new commercial,structures, with little evidence of what is there today. Somewhat sad but it does seem predictable in this area of Deatur.
The coming conflict is how our neighborhoods north of the well defined commercial districts around Ponce, Commerce, Church Street, and Clairemont, and south of the railroad tracks, will be influenced by Smart Growth policies. I don’t really have a problem with MacMansions as long as they conform with the current land use restrictions. But I am concerned with proposals to allow new commercial activity in neighborhoods as well as the construction of rental cottages on single family lots. Based on my attendance at several commission meetings, I know there are several dedicated individuals who are participating in the study sessions concerning these changes. I keep my fingers crossed that our neighborhoods will be preserved with little change.
There are many opinions concerning the new building on North McDonough. It is a sign that we all must must be aware of any change to our neighborhoods. The past has shown that it doesn’t take much to destroy a neighborhood (study the history of Oakhurst and Beacon Hill). I look forward to the suggestions of the study groups and if contrary to what I believe is best for Decatur, a vigorous and heated debate concerning the future of our neighborhoods.
When was Oakhurst destroyed?
Can’t believe you asked this question. How could you possibly miss the mushroom cloud?
Any recommendations for a family Sunday brunch? Never been, but considering Cafe Alsace, Cafe Lily, Carpe Diem. Looking for something more upscale than J. Christopher’s.
Can vouch for Cafe Lily having a nice brunch.
Didn’t pick up on reference to “family” the first time I read this. Cafe Lily is probably more adult- than child-friendly. If, by family, you mean your parents or teens, it’s fine, in fact, delicious. But I don’t think it’s as good a fit for restless little ones.
I’ve enjoyed brunch at Harbour Bar. The salmon BLT is fabulous and if the weather is nice bocce ball can help occupy younger ones.
We’ve enjoyed family, Sunday brunch at Wahoo and Carpe Diem.
Wahoo even has a great (but not boring) kids menu.
Thanks for the feedback!
Wahoo is amazing. Yes yes yes. Sun in my Belly too.
+++ for Wahoo! If the weather’s nice, there’s no better patio than theirs.
Just a bit outside Decatur, Sun in my Belly. Excellent food, relaxed atmosphere, and healthy delicious choices fir kids. I like the panini with scrambled eggs and thick pieces of bacon. A great neighborhood restaurant.
This is good food. Just a heads up that I’ve found many of the items very salty. Not for the salt-restricted diets.
I heartily second (or third?) Sun in My Belly. If I hadn’t just sat down to watch Sunderland/West Brom with a plate of Thanksgiving leftovers I’d probably run out for some challah french toast right now!
And I’ll even quibble with the “bit outside Decatur” part. It’s only two blocks outside the city limits. It’s closer to Oakhurst than downtown Decatur is!
Seriously? You had Thanksgiving leftovers for breakfast? SMH.
Don’t judge, chica! I seriously did and it was seriously good. Turkey and cranberry sauce on a sweet potato roll with a cup of my homemade turkey noodle soup. At least I resisted the urge to break out the pumpkin cheesecake. So I’ve got that going for me…
There is nothing wrong with pumpkin pie for breakfast. We had half I pie left when I went to bed last night – clearly someone ate some for breakfast, and I am about to polish the rest off for lunch.
Not hatin’, just sayin’– the thought of a full Thanksgiving leftovers plate at 8:00 am gives me the tummyrumbles…
Cafe Alsace is yum too. But may be hard to get a table for a big crowd. I’d call them to reserve a table I you have more than 6.
Love love love CafeAlsace. But it’s probably not the best choice if you have small kids. It’s a small restaurant. Maybe 12 tables? And they’re close together. Not great if your kids need to stretch their legs or if you need multiple potty trips or have a stroller, etc. My kids love the menu. But do not expect to find nuggets and the like.
Do they have a potty at Cafe Alsace? They didn’t the last time I ate there.
I was there a week ago Saturday. I didn’t use the restroom there but my husband did. So I guess they are potty equipped now.
Always have a good experience at Carpe Diem for brunch. Never a wait, fam friendly, reasonable prices.
Tried to go to Carpe Diem on Sunday. They don’t open till 10am major bummer.
Where is a good family friendly place to go for skiing in the area? For kids 5th grade and under. Would love to hear your thoughts.
There isn’t one. The closest is somewhere in NC. Forget all that, bite the bullet & head to the Rockies.
As a skier, nowhere that doesn’t require a plane ticket. So sorry. Believe it or not, back in the 1980s, there was abundant cross-country skiing up in the North Carolina mountains, even a cross-country ski center and lodge. But global warming has taken care of that and there’s nothing organized within driving distance. There is manmade snow downhill skiing somewhere but I hear it’s sloppy and depressing so have never tried it. Sorry, with such gorgeous mountains in NC and Tennessee, you’d think there’d be more opportunities. The best is to watch the weather and get ahead of a snowstorm heading for the Asheville area and then grab your cross-country skis and go get there ahead of it. Do NOT drive DURING a snowstorm in the South. They don’t plow or sand the roads so, even if you have chains or snowtires, you’ll be stuck in the traffic mess of everyone else who doesn’t.
And there’s always cross-country skiing in Downtown Decatur during paralyzing icestorms. That’s a hoot. But it’s hard to find anything open to ski to.
Anyone else ever ski Sky Valley? Used to be the only *ski resort* in Georgia.
When I saw this last night, I thought “water skiing?”
I’ve been to Beech, Sugar and Cataloochee. They’re all about the same — fine for kids and teens trying it out but I wouldn’t go until the new year, when there’s more “snow” on the ground and less of a chance that you’ll ski in warmed up slush. I think Sugar is the biggest of the three.
Check out:
Friends in NC, VA and DC ski here:
This is a ridiculous long shot, but I finally found the perfect fireplace screen, only for it to be sold out at Pier One. It’s the “Fireplace screen with Amber Details” and it looks like it may have been sold last year. I’ve searched craigslist with no luck; anyone have one or something similar they want to sell?
Anyone know a good place to buy inexpensive fireplace doors and/or screens for a very wide fireplace?
Have you checked out the Tucker Hearth and Patio Shop?
You could check the Scott’s Antique Market. Or Kudzu Antiques. Or eBay?
Here is one with amber accents:
And here is one with the circles:
I have to say, I wasn’t expecting to be as disappointed as I was when I saw the old Johnny’s Pizza mural painted over at the upcoming Victory site. I loved seeing that mural, as weird as it was, and I imagine I’m not alone in that sentiment.
Ugh, me too. I was hoping the Victory folks would see the “charm” in it and keep it. Then again, I don’t know what their plans are or if they really even had a choice when it came down to it. Whatever the case, I’ll forgive them if they bring the Porkemon and Beeter sandwiches from their Inman Park location. And Jack and Coke slushies, of course!
Wow, I’m a bit shocked they painted over this. Haven’t been by there in a while so haven’t seen that it was gone. That mural, though some may have found it tacky, was one of the things I love about Decatur. Anyone know how long it had been there? I can’t remember when it went up.
Two Little Free Library comments…
1. What was up with the one in front of City Hall having its glass smashed within a week of going up?
2. The one in front of Dancing Goats needs about a dozen new books if anyone’s looking to do a quick local mini-purge. Maybe the “take one, leave one” rule needs to be more explicitly stated at that location?
Ah, I didn’t know there was one in front of Dancing Goats. I’ve got a load of books to donate so will go through and try to help stock it. Love that Decatur has these popping up!!
Didn’t know about the smash up. Sad. Same type of folks as the cemetery defacers, very drunk/stoned and/or mean-spirited, maybe hateful. Hope the City replaces the glass and then trains a surveillance camera on it. That kind of meanness needs to be in jail.
Re Dancing Goats library–that one seems to have a net outflow vs. the other libraries around town that seem to have the opposite problem. I’ve been known to do a little mixing and redistributing across libraries but the Dancing Goats one seems to have a constant drain on it. Maybe we just need to completely stock it full. No one can walk off with a stack of 40 books.
Looking for recommendations on non COD daycares (for infants) that are open until 6:30 or 7 – thoughts? Thanks!
What is a COD daycare?
Sorry. City of Decatur. There are a few day area that require you to be COD residents. We are just over the line in unincorporated Dekalb.
Gotcha. We have loved the Frazer Center on Ponce. But I think it’s only open until 6:00 pm.
Thanks for the response. My husband and I both work in dunwoody (45-55 min commute sometimes) but would like to pick a daycare near home. A 6pm close time would be challenging.
It might be easier to pick a school in Funwoody.
Just a thought–you may be able to pay a teacher a bit to take your child home and babysit for an hour or so. I see teachers doing this at our center. I’d concentrate first on getting in to one! I bet you could easily work out something like this. Decent daycares around here tend to have long wait lists.
Thanks – good idea. We are going to look at a few places this week. We did the tours at a few places a year and a half ago but had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. This time we thought we’d get past at least the first 12-14 weeks before we really dug in. Gratefully/thankfully, all is well – so it’s time to get the daycare thing checked off.
How wonderful. Congratulations. Consider pregnancy/birth yoga at the Pierce Yoga Institute in Virginia Highland–truly wonderful, even if you’re not normally into yoga. Something will work out daycare wise, even if you have to modify your hours or get a babysitter for an hour or two. I know that some jobs are not family friendly but if there’s any mothers of young children at your work, they must be facing similar daycare hour issues. It’s a rare daycare that’s open beyond 6 or 6:30 PM. It’s tough because us working moms all know that a mom who gets in early, is efficient, and leaves early is just as productive as the workaholics who come in late and/or take long lunches and/or chit chat a lot. But unfortunately a lot of the folks in charge are the inefficient workaholic types who think you’re not dedicated if you don’t stay late every night and come in on weekends. It’s hard to address work/life balance issues with them without inspiring defensiveness and/or martyrdom on their part.
Thank you Thank you! Lots of good things to think about here. I’m fortunate to work at a pretty family-oriented place, but I’d still imagine it will be tough to balance (like you mention). I’m optimistic it will all work itself out, too.
Suburban daycare doesn’t have a COD requirement. Try Smarties. I don’t *think* they have a requirement, either.
Suburban may work! Smarties closes at 6.
Suburban closes at 6:00 pm as well. Maybe you can carpool with another parent for the afternoon pickup.
Darn re: suburban.
thx for the carpool suggestion.
Try Sunshine House on Winn Way. We have been happy there and they are open until 7:00.
Thanks much. Will look into sunshine house!
Phoenix School in Oakhurst. No residency requirements until Pre-K (in Pre-K there is a Dekalb or GA residency requirement only). They close at 6.30pm. But they may have a long waiting list:-(
Thanks for the Phoenix School reco!
Cold tonight. We emptied the rain barrel to prevent freezing. It was full to the brim.
Any ideas on what to do with an old childhood stamp collection? Doubt there is anything valuable in there. Do kids still collect stamps?
It’s not a big thing with children since email replaced letters and Instagram replaced postcards. But I’m sure someone on eBay or Craigslist would want it.
North Decatur Presbyterian Church invites the greater Atlanta, DeKalb, and Decatur communities to our annual Alternative Gift Market, Saturday, Dec. 1, 10 am to 3 pm. Shop for fair trade, environmentally sustainable and reasonably priced holiday gifts, including many new items this year. Gifts for sale include olive oil and beautiful carvings from Palestine; hats, scarves, clothing and gifts from Latin America; delicious soup and cookie mixes made in the U.S. supporting people in transition; rugs and other gifts from local refugee and affordable housing initiatives; fair trade coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate; and beautiful handmade cards from around the world. NDPC is at 611 Medlock Road at the intersection of Medlock, N. Decatur Rd. and Scott blvd. Make a difference in the world, one gift at a time!