Sapori di Napoli’s 5,000lb Brick Oven
Decatur Metro | May 20, 2011 | 10:30 amVisit Decatur, GA recently wrote about the new pizza spot going into the old book bindery building on Church Street and showed off the restaurant’s massive and heavy Italian brick oven.
Daren also notes that there’s a new sign hanging over the space with this pic. (It looks like they’ve painted the building as well, no?)
the oven or the cute dudes?
is it open yet?
Gluten free pies on the menu would make a lot of people happy
Oh, man…I am in SO much trouble now…fabulous pizza within walking distance? Somebody stop me!!!
Your random Decatur culinary trivia of the day:
In a few short weeks that end of town is going to be home to three wood burning ovens.
Between these guys, the new C&A, and No. 246, it should be interesting and exciting to see how these are used. I, for one, am stoked about the possibilities!
This is so awesome….I hopefully won’t have to drive all the way to Antico Pizza soon….