- Grateful man recovers cash he left at Decatur Chick-Fil-A [11 Alive]
- Decatur Active Living plans to add handicap-accessible playground equipment to city parks [Decaturish]
- Decatur pitcher Zak Schulman “Male Athlete of the Week” [Neighbor Newspapers]
- DeKalb ramps up school recycling [AJC]
- Last income tax reminders in Decatur [Decatur Tax Blog]
- Photos: MARTA under construction in the 1970s [ATL Urbanist]
- Atlanta Streets Alive returns to West End April 19th [Atlanta Intown]
Rendering courtesy of Decatur City Commission meeting materials via Decaturish
This might be of interest to some here too. Spoiler: the Baptists get most of the blame.
Hurray for Zak! He’s a darn nice kid too!
Love the idea of accessible playground equipment! I really hope we can do it in all the parks. “We stared looking around and said all kids need to be able to play regardless of ability or skill set.” If that doesn’t strike at your heart, you may not have one.