Ants. After living in NYC and Los Angeles, I abhor cockroaches. I like the Southern version better, plus the euphemism–Palmetto bugs, but the flying into hair thing is upsetting.
Ants seem easier to get rid off by putting little poison traps out. Plus they are little, cleaner, and don’t leave wings, antennae, and legs behind.
Ants, ants, ants– they aren’t nasty, & don’t carry diseases like the cucarachas do! Plus, I don’t think ants are gross…I wouldn’t want them in my food, but they’re actually fascinating little creatures.
Not ashamed to admit roaches scare the daylights out of me. Especially flying palmetto bugs.
In south Florida, they’re big enough that, when you step on them, they just laugh, reach up to grab your foot, and twist your ankle. And they’re just like the little roach in Wall-E; you can run over them, but they just pop back up out of their carapaces.
My skin’s getting all creepy-crawly just writing this.
When they’re not dining in your cupboard, the ones in Texas sit around in alleys, playing poker & smoking cigars with the mosquitoes (who’re big enough to open screen doors). If you dare glance their way, they’ll get all up in your face with a “Whadda YOU lookin’ at?” Rather peculiarly, they sound like New Jersey wiseguys…
How are they to be prepared? I like ants covered in chocolate. Roaches, on the other hand, are best sauteed with a bit of garlic, lemon, and just a squeeze of lemon tossed with some linguine. Only locally-raised roaches, of course.
Especially after a moment Monday night that left me with a shoe in one hand and a can of Raid in the right. I wasn’t able to get to a Palmetto Bug fast enough and it went behind a shelf.
You’ve got to be kidding. Who is going to vote for the roach? What about roaches vs. mosquitoes? I’ll vote for mosquitoes here b/c we aren’t dying of them (so much) but roaches would win the contest if put to a worldwide vote.
Second ant trail last night in different part of kitchen. I feel like I spend the warmer months redirecting the ants around my home. But at least they march in orderly lines that are easy to identify and follow. Whereas the cockroaches just invade.
Having said that, “Martina, the Beautiful Cockroach”, by Carmen Deedy, is a favorite children’s book of ours!
Ants. After living in NYC and Los Angeles, I abhor cockroaches. I like the Southern version better, plus the euphemism–Palmetto bugs, but the flying into hair thing is upsetting.
Ants seem easier to get rid off by putting little poison traps out. Plus they are little, cleaner, and don’t leave wings, antennae, and legs behind.
Ants, ants, ants– they aren’t nasty, & don’t carry diseases like the cucarachas do! Plus, I don’t think ants are gross…I wouldn’t want them in my food, but they’re actually fascinating little creatures.
After that movie> what was it < I find ants adorable, Not so roachs.
Ants are honest invaders. Out in the open, marching in, day or night. Cockroaches are sneaky, hide in cupboards, crawl around in the dark.
So ants.
Ants have a queen you can get rid of. Roaches can survive a nuclear blast. Ants.
I’m with everyone above me…ants.
Not ashamed to admit roaches scare the daylights out of me. Especially flying palmetto bugs.
In south Florida, they’re big enough that, when you step on them, they just laugh, reach up to grab your foot, and twist your ankle. And they’re just like the little roach in Wall-E; you can run over them, but they just pop back up out of their carapaces.
My skin’s getting all creepy-crawly just writing this.
When they’re not dining in your cupboard, the ones in Texas sit around in alleys, playing poker & smoking cigars with the mosquitoes (who’re big enough to open screen doors). If you dare glance their way, they’ll get all up in your face with a “Whadda YOU lookin’ at?” Rather peculiarly, they sound like New Jersey wiseguys…
Yep, I’d druther have ants.
Atlanta should create a negative campaign ad about Dallas to this effect.
Heh! “Atlanta: Our Roaches are More Polite Than the Ones in Dallas!”
imagining Mrs. DTR coming to the rescue of a squealing DTR. chuckle.
She doesn’t come to my rescue. She just sits on the couch watching me jump around like a monkey on speed, while I chase it down.
Smiling the whole time.
Ants. Duh.
If persuaded by my careful deliberation, will the roaches or ants abide by my decision?
How are they to be prepared? I like ants covered in chocolate. Roaches, on the other hand, are best sauteed with a bit of garlic, lemon, and just a squeeze of lemon tossed with some linguine. Only locally-raised roaches, of course.
Chocolate covered or plain? Please be specific.
GOD. I’ll take ants any day. UGH! I can barely watch that cute cockroach in “Wall-E” without shuddering.
Especially after a moment Monday night that left me with a shoe in one hand and a can of Raid in the right. I wasn’t able to get to a Palmetto Bug fast enough and it went behind a shelf.
You’ve got to be kidding. Who is going to vote for the roach? What about roaches vs. mosquitoes? I’ll vote for mosquitoes here b/c we aren’t dying of them (so much) but roaches would win the contest if put to a worldwide vote.
On cue, my son noticed a trail of ants in our kitchen soon after this post. It was as if they were taunting me about my vote.
Second ant trail last night in different part of kitchen. I feel like I spend the warmer months redirecting the ants around my home. But at least they march in orderly lines that are easy to identify and follow. Whereas the cockroaches just invade.
Having said that, “Martina, the Beautiful Cockroach”, by Carmen Deedy, is a favorite children’s book of ours!
ANTS!!! And if I see one of those Palmetto bugs fly, I’ll fly right back to NY, where the cockroaches have the good grace to stay on the ground!