Renfroe 1 of 9 Middle Schools To Win SSAS Platinum Award in 2009
Decatur Metro | January 5, 2010Renfroe just keeps racking up the awards.
In mid-December, Renfroe Principal Bruce Roaden received a letter from the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement that Renfroe Middle School had received a 2009 Single Statewide Accountability System Platinum Award “for making great gains in student achievement.” It was one of only nine middle schools in the state of Georgia to receive the top award handed out by SSAS.
According to the letter, schools must meet three criteria in order to receive an “impressive” platinum award.
- Make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for 3 consecutive years
- Demonstrate that at least 35% of students exceed standards in all test areas as measured by state assessments
- Place 98th percentile or higher statewide in greatest student achievement gains.
Renfroe will receive a “recognition banner” to display at the school.
Thanks to Middle School Physics Teacher Kris Webb for sending along the note and congrats to Principal Roaden and all Renfroe teachers, staff and students on their growing pile accolades!
Yeah, Mr. Roaden!
Yeah, RMS teachers and staff!
Yeah, RMS students!
Yeah, RMS families who support the students!
Yeah, CSD administrators who hired and support Mr. Roaden and RMS!
As a Renfroe parent going on six years now, I gotta say, Mr. Roaden is the best thing to happen to the school. He’s a true professional. The school has turned around under his leadership.
Discipline is much better at the school, and he’s attracted some strong teachers.
While we may criticize some things that the school system has done, let’s not forget they are responsible for hiring Mr. Roaden.
Well said, Diane. Bruce Roaden has delivered what Renfroe needed most: Leadership and stability. Congrats to Bruce and all of the teachers and staff and RMS!
While we may criticize some things that the school system has done, let’s not forget they are responsible for hiring Mr. Roaden.
Bruce Roaden rocks!
And thanks to the parents who got together after the last principal announced she was leaving and asked CSD to consider external candidates and do a thorough search. RMS needed stability.
Congratulations to Bruce, his excellent team of professionals, and the people who hired him!