Truck Stuck in Brick Store Alley
Decatur Metro | November 3, 2009UPDATE: Chief Booker gives us a rundown…
…the information from our square Officer Fiksman is that a service truck that was either delivering or swapping out a grease trap for one or more of the restaurants and attempted to drive to the rear of the restaurants and upon turning in off the turnaround got stuck between the two buildings. The driver attempted to back out and inadvertently struck a parking meter and that was when we responded to take the report.
I received a reliable report this morning that a truck has gotten stuck in the skinny alley way between the Brick Store and Zucca.
I’ll try to get further details from Decatur PD.
PLEASE don’t hurt those buildings!
What some candidates won’t do for attention!
WEll, if it is a beer truck, I will rush right over and help…er…UNLOAD it.
Like getting toothpaste back in the tube.
Maybe it’s the storage place for the wine for this weekend’s Decatur Wine Festival . . . get ready because the wine maybe flowing in the streets!
See the update above from Chief Booker.
It’s obvious what happened…the guy who shot himself was driving that truck into Decatur to vote, but got lost at Church Street. Then he saw the buildings on Church Street were for sale, got even more upset, pulled into the circle near BSP, got disoriented from the blood loss and ended up getting the truck stuck between the buildings.
I’ve had WAY too much chocolate.