DeKalb Reconsiders Wacky Assessment Process
Decatur Metro | April 24, 2009When did you feel more uncomfortable?
When you thought there was some political maneuvering involving DeKalb County tax assessment process, or when you learned the apparent truth was that our assessors office just went rogue?
I’m still mulling it over.
i called the tax assessor office b/c we had received a notice a couple of weeks ago regarding a reassessed value….we wrote a letter of appeal b/c it went up substantially. anyway, i was concerned if this new appraisal would be based on the old value or the new reassessed value and i was told that they are going to completely reassess all values from scratch (not using existing values to base it on, etc). so, i guess this may be a good thing for some if the value goes down or stays the same – but then again, i’m thinking that if they appraise the values higher (which may be the case for some who have not had a reassessment in quite some time), then it may not be so good after all. just my 2 cents.
The tax office has always been a fiefdom of it’s own. For years in Georgia you had to make out your tax check to the commissioner by name. It always gave me the creeps.
I always wondered how many went in his or her personal bank account.
It’s good to be the tax collector.