Emory Students Want Their Leaders To Lead By Example
Decatur Metro | February 25, 2009 | 11:42 amA recent Emory Wheel article that points out that three members of Emory’s upper-echelon rank among the top 10 highest paid private university employees in the country.
The article seems to imply that these highly paid Emory execs should take some kind of pay cut, symbolic or substantial, while the university works through the current economic crisis.
Thanks to xokyditive for pointing out the article!
Heck I think we should tax University endowments too.
Yeah….lets listen to the kids driving BMW’s paid for my mommy and daddy.
Well, it is interesting that in this article which originally appeared in WSJ or NYT ( can’t remember which), three of the top ten were at Emory. Someone netting $30K a month (that is month…not year) taking a symbolic 1 or 2% cut could probably afford it easily. If Emory starts laying off/furloughing folks who make that much PER YEAR, well I think it will be very bad PR for Emory and their Campaign to raise funds if it appears that those at the top aren’t “sharing the pain”. Mosquito bite pain to them, but we are talking symbolic here.
They are laying people off who make that much.
Yup…A lot of us only make around that much. I know it’s not apples to apples, to compare our value to Emory to that of the leaders, but it just kills morale and then the resentment goes viral.
That’s right. I think the article stated that a pay cut for them would be a drop in the bucket, as far as the university budget goes, but SAACJack’s comment about morale boosting is on the money, so to speak.
And I don’t think taxing non-profit endowments is such a good idea.