Elections TOMORROW! Ack!
Decatur Metro | July 14, 2008Feeling stressed because there’s a primary tomorrow and you haven’t done your homework on who’s running in all these confounded elections? If you live in the future city of Dunwoody, you only care about one thing. Smoking hot cityhood. But if you’re living anywhere else in the general Atlanta vicinity, its possible that you might have some late-night homework to do.
Luckily the Atlanta Press Club has a whole host of debates up on their website from all over the metro area…including a July 13th debate featuring all of U.S. Senate Democratic hopefuls. [h/t: GriftDrift]
GriftDrift and DecaturGuy’s both have their endorsements posted. Along with InDecatur, all are for Burrell Ellis. I concur. Our mutual distaste for Vernon Jones is enough for me.
But for Senate, I’m still not ready to give up my own youthful idealism, so I’ll be voting for smart ‘n sexy Rand Knight.