Decatur in HD
Decatur Metro | May 2, 2008[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.527604&w=425&h=350&]
A new Decatur-centric site,, is now online. The site, which is part of the Broadcast Atlanta network (like GoDeKalb), promises bi-weekly videos featuring Decatur profiles in May and weekly video starting in June.
The first sponsorship check for the site seems to have been written by my Allstate agent and DBA Pres. Neil Dobbs. (where is his patent bow-tie in the video!?) Apparently some folks think there’s money to be made (aka web traffic) in this business of Decatur-based websites…I wonder what that’s based on.
InDecatur found the video yesterday, but I don’t think the actual site was up and running yet (though its not much more than the video at this point)