Christmas Events In and Around Decatur
Decatur Metro | December 7, 2007Are the plethora of holiday happenings around Atlanta a bit too overwhelming? Here a few of my and other bloggers’ picks…
The Decatur Arts Alliance blog notes the Decatur Civic Chorus‘ Christmas Concert at the First Baptist Church this coming Sunday…
The ladies over at Pecanne Log highly recommend the ASO Gospel Christmas Concert next Friday Dec 14th at 8p, while I suggest (with rather strong bias) Christmas with the ASO, which is going on this weekend (though I’ve heard Saturday performances are already sold out).
Also don’t forget that the Decatur Tour of Homes ($20) starts this evening at 5:30p and runs tomorrow night too. (See this previous post for more details) If you’re too busy singing Christmas concerts and can’t do the Decatur Tour of Homes (like me) consider checking of Avondale’s Christmas Tour of Homes and Market ($12) on Sunday from 3p-8p.