Eye on the Toy Park

Goats at the Decatur Toy Park

New York Times Describes Decatur as “The Brooklyn of Atlanta”


While a recent feature in the New York Times travel section went with the old, go-to “Mayberry Meets Berkeley” descriptor of Decatur, this recent blurb at the end of the New York Times’ “Atlanta For Kids” feature gets a bit more creative in describing our city.

Feel free to ignore or express your exasperation at the slightly exaggerated city population figure. 🙂

Where to Take a Field Trip

The City of Decatur, population 75,000, shares a boundary with the city. It’s essentially the Brooklyn of Atlanta, but with fewer hipsters and more strollers. The center of town is called “The Square.” It serves as a base camp for eating, play and shopping, which should include a visit to the Little Shop of Stories, a great bookstore that is a regular stop on the book tour circuit for some of the best children’s authors in the nation.

Families looking for a really local experience should head to the Decatur Toy Park at the corner of East Ponce de Leon Avenue and Nelson Ferry Road. It’s owned by a church and is the repository for seemingly every plastic wheeled vehicle and playhouse outgrown by the city’s toddlers.

New Little Free Library Installed at Toy Park


Decatur First Christian Church Pastor James Brewer-Calvert posted this note on the Next Door site…

A big cheer and heartfelt thank you to Mr. Kevin Beck, a Senior at Decatur High School, for designing, building, installing, and donating a new Free Lending Library for children and their families who populate the Decatur Toy Park at First Christian Church of Decatur. Located near the swing set (the same one that holds the world record for continuous use), the LendingLibrary is built to resemble the church sanctaury complete with steeple and wide open door for easy access to the whole people of God. The process and product serve as Kevin’s DHS Senior Project and fulfills part of his requirements for graduation. And a grateful city says thanks.

Photo courtesy of DM

First Christian “Toy Park” Clean Up Tomorrow

In lieu of the recent debate…

Please inform your wonderful readership and the wider community that:

At 9AM on Saturday, December 12, 2009, there will be a park clean up and wood chip spreading party at the Church and Community Park and Playground located at First Christian Church of Decatur at the intersection of Ponce de Leon Ave and Nelson Ferry Road.

Hundreds of families in Decatur and from across our fair city love to play and meet at the park. Now is a great time to pitch in — literally — by spreading mulch and wood chips to help freshen the grounds and make nicer for all of our children.

Thank you for your support! For more information contact Pastor James Brewer-Calvert.

Where Have All the Toys Gone?

Brent writes in…

Was out walking this afternoon and ran into several families expressing concern over the missing toys at the most popular toddler park in Atlanta at the corner of Nelson Ferry and Ponce (across from First Christian Church). Children’s cries could be heard all around the neighborhood as they were left to ponder what Grinch was capable of such a horrible act during this Christmas season.

“This can’t happen now, it couldn’t, it wouldn’t, it mustn’t, it shouldn’t; not now, not then; not ever again.”

Occasionally there are clean-up days at the toy park – when old and really broken toys are discarded – but if so many parents are taking note, something may be up.