Register for Team Decatur Before August 15th!
Decatur Metro | August 14, 2012Decatur Active Living’s Cheryl Burnette writes in…
Remember to register for Team Decatur before August 15th to get a Team Decatur T-shirt! We will be ordering the 2012 shirts this week and cannot promise late registrants a shirt.
What is Team Decatur?
Team Decatur is a group of City of Decatur residents, employees, and friends who participate in the annual Kaiser Permanente Corporate Run/Walk 5k and Fitness Program. In 2011, we had 256 members! This year’s run/walk will be held on Thursday, September 13 at 7pm in downtown Atlanta.Why join?
Team Decatur members are offered a free eight week training program to prepare for the run/walk event in September. Members have fun, get fit, and get a FREE Team Decatur t-shirt to wear during the race.Team Decatur members join together before and after the run/walk at the ‘team tent” to have fun, enjoy refreshments, and make new friends at the “World’s Largest Office Party”!
event_detail.cfm?CHECKSSO=0& EVENT_ID=2018914 to register. Be sure to select Team Decatur from the drop down list. The price for registration goes up to $32 after the end of this week.
For more information on Team Decatur and a full schedule of FREE walk and run training opportunities, visit
It’s fun, so don’t miss out!