Help Design*Sponge Write a Decatur Shopping/Design Guide
Decatur Metro | December 15, 2010An anonymous tipster notes that the popular design blog, Design*Sponge, recently updated their shopping and design guide for Atlanta, and because Decatur is technically a “different city”, didn’t include many of our shops and ‘struants amongst the recommended (although Heliotrope somehow snuck onto the list).
Anywho, in the comments section of the guide, Decatur-lovers freaked-the-geek out, snarking up things like…
…Decatur, which was completely missing from the list…
What? No Decatur? Boo… Glad to see Atlanta on this site, tho…
i would loooooove a decatur shopping guide on here! if you need suggestions…
OK, so not so much “freaking out” as expressing rational displeasure, but still, the people had spoken and the word was “Decatur Guide me gosh darn it!”
All this Declamoring evoked a response from one of the D*S folks…
that’s a different city so it wouldn’t be part of this guide, but i’m happy to publish a decatur guide with any local who’s willing to help
So, who’s gonna help ‘em out? And what will you say?
Can you imagine trying to shop and eat your way around Decatur in a couple days? Do any Decatur shops sell men’s pants with expandable waists anymore?