Crawfish Invade Medlock Park
Decatur Metro | September 18, 2009 | 10:16 amMy apologies if you’ve already clicked over to this link, but these pics, linked to by Fencesitter, demand more exposure.
Apparently the flooding has been so bad up at Medlock Park, just north of the Decatur city limits, that the crawdaddies are movin’ in!
These are just a couple of the pics posted on the Druid Hills Youth Sports webpage.
Obviously, a pinch hitter.
Oh, that is SO bad. I’m laughing and groaning at the same time.
Mama always said, when life hands you crawfish, make Étouffée.
Aww, poor little things– they’ve obviously been washed up from the creek (just shows how high it got from all the rain). I feel for ‘em, but man, lump’s post has me thinking crustaceous thoughts…
I have a large pot and jet burner. Anyone up for a crawfish boil?