Help Sydney Take Down a Two Year-Old
Decatur Metro | July 10, 2009With our help, 10-year old Decatur phenom Sydney Rhame has made it to the semi-finals in Kudzu’s “Amazing Kids” contest with her “My Turn” performance at Kavarna.
But now Sydney needs our help more than ever.
Her previous competition, a young John Lennon impersonator, is nothing compared this latest nemesis; a 2 year-old boy in his PJs singing “Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer.”
Cute? Maybe. Amazing? Come on! He can’t even stay on pitch or finish the song without the help of his dad! And if his best rendition of this holiday classic includes a coughing-fit at the end, I can’t say I’m all that amazed.
So please click over to Kudzu and with a single click you can give Sydney your vote and help her move on to the finals for her chance to win $1000!
That headline just sounds wrong, IMHO.
Or perhaps I just took it the wrong way at first glance.
Yikes. Good point. Will alter.
I read it the same way, assumed it was intentional, and laughed.
I did, too! Any humor involving corporal punishment for toddlers is all right by me. (Please tell me I don’t have to emphasize that I’m just joking!)
Ha. OK, how about THAT title? A little less severe…
LOL! Love it.
Thanks so posting this for me!! I need all the help I can get against this cute 2 yr old and appreciate any votes you can give me. It seems to be helping!

Don’t worry, Sweetie! We’ve gotcher back!
YUP! Just voted for Sydney.
Sydney’s up to 43% from 18% last night. Looks like a major groundswell to me.
The little snot nosed urchin stumbled through the entire song.*
Go Sydney go………………………!
*Not a personal insult but more of an unbiased review of his performance.
Sydney’s within a point! Come people, put your back in it!
Just tied it at 50! That 2 year old is ugly anyway.
Awwww, Rusty! That was harsh, man! (And I’m going to hell for laughing at it…)
My two year old can way out-sing that kid. And he does his own choreography. Go Sydney!
You are all so funny!! Thanks for your help with this contest. Voting ends tomorrow -Wed. at 5 pm – and it is still a very close race!! Please keep on voting!! Decatur rocks!!