Armed Robbery In Front of Kavarna Last Night
Decatur Metro | January 9, 2009 | 5:57 pmAndisheh does some digging for us and gets details on an armed robbery in Oakhurst Village last night…
A woman was robbed at gunpoint shortly before 1:00 A.M. in the middle of Oakhurst village. DPD describes the suspects as two black males. They asked for money and a wallet.
No one was injured.
I also spoke to the person at Universal Joint who called 911 on the victim’s behalf. Apparently, she walked in to U-Joint after she was robbed. He told me the incident took place in front of Kavarna (707 E. Lake), which was closed for about two hours at the time of the robbery.
No one has been arrested.
A note on the Oakhurst Message Board states that U-Joint had noticed the individuals hanging around outside and called the cops, but “the incident occurred before they arrived.”
aahh. When will it end.
Peace …. Please…
*sigh* I regularly walk to and from Oakhurst Village at night, after dining at the U-Joint/Mojo’s or listening to music at Kavarna. I never really thought twice about it, but this is scary. This is all so disheartening.
They prey on weakness.
This makes me sad. My fiancee and I just moved to Oakhurst in September…about 4 blocks from all of the restaurants. We walk there to eat and regularly stay out late drinking at U-Joint and Steinbecks. It sounds like we may need to be more careful.
Oakhurst has always been a place where you need to be careful since the 80’s. I think some of the new people who have moved in and gentrified the area may be more at risk. Some people have resentment toward the way Decatur has changed. It got less dangerous after East Lake Meadows was demolished.
By no way am I trying to minimize the impact that crime has on its victims…
Its easy to forget but we live in one of the largest metropolitan areas of the United States. These areas in which we live have a small town feel but there is a certain reality about our environment as there are in any neigborhoods of any major metropolitan area in this country. You just need to be prudent and nay I say more than a little street smart. (aka: common sense)
BTW- many studies have shown that those which are the most fearful of crime are its most likely victims. (perhaps a bit of the Law of Attraction at work?)
Not surprised at all… A lot of people in this neighborhood are very naive! I have been living in Oakhurst for about 3 years and I have tried to close down the Hop & Shop. That place is full of vagrants, thugs and attracts many losers! Everyone should stop this stupid easy going way of thinking and pay more attention to people that do not belong in the Village – call the cops. Decatur Police are very helpful and they are good people…
Jose Pulido
Thanks for the advice and insults Jose!
Now call the cops you stupid, naive people!
Jose! Jose Jose Jose!
Jose Jose!
Jose! Jose Jose Jose!
Jose Jose!
Hey, all you long-time Oakhurst residents that rely on the Hop N Shop for your daily needs: Haven’t you heard? Jose’s here now! Thanks for living here all those years, but time to git moving on…
Scott get a life my brother… [edited: no personal insults] There are a lot of nice people in Oakhurst did not meant to insult anyone; it’s just time to wake up and face reality!
Come on Scottie, who relies on the Hop N Shop for their daily needs? Lottery ticket buyers?
Hmmm….let’s dive into the “Daily Needs” provided by the Hop n Shop…AKA “The Crack and Shack”
1) Orange, Purple, Red, Green and Blue “Drink”
2) Colt 45 and Old English Malt Liquor
3) Funyons, Doritos, Pork Rinds and Potater Chips
4) Porn Mags
5) Fresh Cologne Knock offs.
6) Kools and Newports
7) Blunts
and for the grand finale….for the End all Be All Existence of the Hop and shop!!!!!
8) Lottery tickets!!!! It is my experience that most of the “Daily Need” Shopping is done from 4-7 on Tuesday and Friday.
[edited: no personal insults]
Thanks again!
DM, IMHO, this thread has gotten way, way off the path.
This is getting ridiculous. Entitled people move into the Oakhurst neighborhood and then start making comments about who does and doesn’t belong there. I, for one, have a real problem with yuppies moving into the city who start talking about the long-term residents and establishments. So many people in that area were disenfranchised by predatorial real estate salesmen who undersold them on the value of their homes. There is always going to be backlash when gentrification happens.
Dogpile on the poor! That’s really sweet. Makes you wonder why gentrification makes some folks uptight.
Kumbaya, mofos!
What and who determines who are the “people that do not belong in the village”
That’s a fine line… not every man in a hooded top, or with tattoos, or who supports a local business (don’t we see posts about supporting our local businesses – guess that is just the fancy ones huh?), or hangs out in a village square is criminal just as not every nicely dressed middle class person is reliable and safe – come on it’s 2009 – it takes all types of people to make the world go round – you cannot be so judgmental…you may not have meant to be insulting but that doesn’t mean you weren’t
You could live in the most affluent neighborhood and have the same thing happen – human nature I am afraid.
I do agree that everyone should be aware of their surroundings….that’s just common sense..
Oakhurst is a great fun neighborhood… Mezcalitos, Steinbecks, Ujoint etc… fun unique places to hang! I just do not want to see anyone get hurt or lose their life like that unfortunate incident at the Standard… We live in tough times and in light of this current economic situation; crime will rise… I for one do not want to see anyone get hurt when it could be avoided by simply being more aware! It is not difficult to distinguish from the artsy people, tattoo cool individuals and any anyone else… People that do not belong in the neighborhood are easy to spot… Nothing to do with gentrification… [edited: no name calling]
Please enlighten us. Tell me how to be aware and spot “people who do not belong in the area.” I guess living in Decatur for 29 years isn’t enough for me to make those determinations…help me, Jose. Help me.
Jose, this is your only warning. Stop referring to groups of people in derogatory terms or all of your future comments will be banned from the site.
Where do people who you don’t deem good enough to be in your neighborhood belong?
Of course no one wants crime and everyone sympathizes with those that have been impacted or lost loved ones to criminal acts – that is not in dispute here. However there is a difference to wanting a safe neighborhood and making personal unsubstantiated judgment calls on other human beings who don’t fit your idealistic view of what society should look like.
Sad sad world indeed – not only due to crime but due to narrow minded people.
You guys misread or misunderstood what I was trying to say… certainly was not discussing a particular group of people, but I respect your warning.. Good luck with this website… You seem to at least care about something!
The Hop n Shop also sells the newspaper, advil, vitamin water, Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and several other yuppie items. I noticed that “for the Love of God” only indicated the items that seemed to be black enough for the posting to frighten the white folk.
So we get to the classic argument of profiling. A sad, ironic, argument to be having in light of the facts. The Decatur Police have been through some training in regards to profiling, so go with your gut and let them sort it out if need be. I dare say they will not be telling someone to leave Oakhurst because they don’t look right to Jose…the irony just keeps flowing.
And to Jose….I’d be careful about lumping people together into derogatory categories. With a name like Jose, someone might do it to you.
I’ll show my age here. I’m old enough to remember the Oakhurst of the ’50s and ’60s — a place where long-time homeowners were entering their retirement years. The so-called Hop n Shop was a neighborhood grocery that I went in frequently when visiting relatives in the neighborhood.
Social change opened up the neighborhood to people who’d never been allowed to live there before, but wanted out of decaying neighborhoods closer to downtown — and the old folks resented it, and fumed about the “invasion,” and left. The neighborhood went through an economic decline and crime become common. The people who had moved in felt like they had been left with the crumbs, so to speak, and abandoned by govt. as nobody tried to control the crime.
A new wave of residents started coming in 10-20 years ago. The people who had been there since the ’60-’70s resented that “invasion.” The people moving in resented some of the people who’d been there 20-30 years.
You wonder what the next stage will be.
“The people who had moved in felt like they had been left with the crumbs, so to speak, and abandoned by govt. as nobody tried to control the crime”
Abandoned by the government? The “progressive” governments of the 60’s CAUSED the problems by destroying the nuclear black family, pushing abortion on demand in the poorest ghettos, and emasculating the black man to nothing more than a sperm donor while the mothers just started collecting welfare checks.
The next stage is going to be increasing crime EVERYWHERE in Oakhurst, residents having enough of it, and the word getting around that Oakhurst is dangerous.
Don’t be harshin’ on the Hop & Shop. You can get a decent, cheap bottle of wine there, plus imported beer, and I can get milk, which they don’t sell at the Citgo, the convenience store closest to me.
Amen to you, Decatur Mom. I was beginning to think I was the only, uhhhh, “professional” Oakhurstian that actually valued the convenience of our neighborhood convenience store. Warts and all.
I understand that some folks have issues when it comes to crossing paths with people outside their economic circle. I just don’t understand why they would move to a place like Oakhurst.
I have been living in Oakhurst for about 3 years and I have tried to close down the Hop & Shop. That place is full of vagrants, thugs and attracts many losers!
Since you’ve only been living in Oakhurst for 3 years you wouldn’t know the vast improvements that the owners of the Hop & Shop have made to that store in the past 6 years that I’ve lived in Oakhurst. They have improved their product line considerably, with imported beers and wine. They carry a small, but convienent line of dry goods in case you need something in a pinch. The store is actually much cleaner than it used to be. You consider many of its customers “vagrants,” “thugs,” and “losers,” but I’ve never felt threatened by anyone there at any time. Just because many of their customers are not of the same race as myself, or because they might come from a lower economic status than me, doesn’t make me fearful of them as they must do you. If it does for you, that’s really a shame.
Time for some armchair refereeing:
Jose: I think you might have been on the right track, but you’r argument jumped the track when you started painting in such broad strokes. Take several deep breaths and then type.
Jbgotcha: Sounds like you could be one of Jose’s ‘naive’ people. Can you point out specific instances of people being “disenfranchised by predatorial real estate salesmen who undersold them on the value of their homes”? This isthe kind of blanket statement designed to generate yuppie guilt. The only case I’ve been aware of is the pit-bull and roach infested house on Mead (owner was offered $225k but refused to move, tree fell on house, no insurance, now relying on volunteers to bring the house up to code). Seems to me that those who sold over the past decade were probably well-compensated as the area gentrified, but if that’s not the case I’d be very interested to learn more about it.
jbgotcha (part deux): “Entitled people” move into a neighborhood. If by ‘entitled’ you mean hard working and employed, then a lot of us are guilty of that charge. These entitled people are the same ones paying the high Decatur taxes to help make our city the gem that it is.
I Want My Mommy & Tess: Lottery tickets. Lottery tickets. Lottery tickets. I’ve never walked into that store and not seen a line for lottery tickets.
BG & DecaturGuy: Great job providing background. It’s easy to see things as they are today and notice the problems, but without a historical context it’s impossible to understand why things are the way they are.
Finally, to everyone, the one argument that strikes me as way over-used on these blogs: “I’ve lived here xx years, therefore I am way more Decatur than you (and thus my opinion should count more than yours).” Use your experience to make a point or build a case, but one shouldn’t expect automatic acquiescence simply because they chose to live here before other residents.
Current Score:
Naive: 3, New: 1
I think that many of the people posting here don’t have problems crossing paths with others outside of their economic circle.
I am going to go out on a limb and guess that they have problems watching people WASTE money and their lives on the lottery, cigarettes and alcohol when they clearly should not be doing so given their limited budgets.
But , I guess you need the “proles” to make the world go round and pay those insane federal taxes.
Armchair refereeing is right, Robbie C. Are you actually attempting to keep score here? In regard to lottery tickets, if you have a probem with predatory gambling; visit the website and help confront the debt culture.
My definition of entitlement has to do with white upper-middle class individuals who are not accountable to their status in our society, hardworking or not. They speak about “naive people” who don’t face “reality” without taking the time to name their own prejudices or how they don’t face the same oppressions as people of color, lower-middle class people, etc. I really have no intention on creating “yuppie guilt,” but if someone feels guilty…
Thank you so much for setting us naive people straight. I’m happy to embrace any new residents in Decatur as long as they are not passing judgement on people who are struggling while working HARD lower-wage jobs. The world does not revolve around you because you pay high taxes, nor does it mean you can take up more space and pass judgement.
I hear where you’re coming from, Left Wing, but even that involves making snap judgements about someone you likely know little or nothing about. Maybe accurate, maybe not, but the prospect of finding myself on the wrong side of some resident’s blink assessment — instantly becoming someone who “doesn’t belong” in my own neighborhood — creeps me out.
Not defending any criminal element. Just suggesting a live and let live type attitude.
I thought it was the Stop n’ Shoot…DOH! In all fairness, it would be nice if the owners did something to improve the LOOK of their space…maybe repave the potholes, cleanup the trash, wash their windows,etc.
But I too often see those less fortunate spending CASH on lottery tickets and quarts of beer and do a separate transaction with FOOD STAMP thingies for food. It is sad to behold. There but for the grace of GOd go I.
Really though, those guys should clean that place up.
Hey guys, I think we are all on the same page because we do care… Whether we may disagree on a way of governing etc. I think that fact we all took the time to express are views says something… I by no means tried to single out a particular group of people… I am certainly not a racist! I do not see color in people… I know the Decatur Blue had a similar problem with another business and they eventually shut it down because the community cared. The Police is aware and concerned with that convenience store. I am not saying get rid of the poor people just to clean up that place! Maybe everyone on this blog should meet up for a drink in Oakhurst and share our crazy opposite views… Could be fun all in good nature!
“My definition of entitlement has to do with white upper-middle class individuals…”
WOW! So, apparently Jose gets flamed for anything approaching racial profiling, but it’s OK for jbgotcha to knock those white folks who dare to move into this community. So much for not judging by the color of skin.
And I noticed that we are yet to see any facts (statistical or even anectdotal) to back up the claim that residents have been “disenfranchised by predatorial real estate salesmen who undersold them”. Still curious about that.
What about upper-middle class blacks?’
I thought it was impossible for blacks to be racist!
But, it would be nice to see someone clean up the hop n shop. Or stop selling lottery tickets.
Oh….and I disagree about the “world doesn’t revolve around you because you pay high taxes.”…..yes it does.
Considering that half of the US doesn’t even pay income tax, and that they use MY money to get all their “Credits”, it most certainly does.
Basically, if you don’t pay income tax, you should not be allowed to vote. EVER!!!
Wow, Robbie. Way to pick out one sentence out of my statement and use it out of context. The rest of the sentence read “…who are not accountable to their status in our society.” White people have always lived in that community. You were speaking from a place of privelege and acting like you were setting all of us straight. People who claim to “see no color” must not be paying attention, or they are in a position of power and privelege. To act like society is a level playing field is naive.
There were several homeowners on Madison Ave. that were undersold on thier homes. That was about 6-7 years ago. I don’t consider that an epidemic, but it has happened to good people.
I Want My Mommy. Your comments are so outlandish that I can’t take you seriously. You seem like you are just being incendiary for the sake of argument.
Go rent a powerwasher and volunteer your services to the betterment of the Hop N Shop.
“Basically, if you don’t pay income tax, you should not be allowed to vote. EVER!!!”
Good luck on getting that pesky 24th Amendment repealed!
Kind of funny how some of these purported “conservatives” want to protect poor people from themselves by prohibiting lottery sales. I thought being a conservative was about letting people make their own choices and not micromanaging their lives. If someone gets some pleasure out of spending $10 a week playing the lottery, even if they really can’t afford it, then why should some right wing radio listening blowhard tell them where they should spend their money?
And with regard to the comment about people who don’t pay taxes not being able to vote, well, that is just stupid. Just because someone may not earn enough to pay federal income taxes doesn’t mean that they don’t pay a higher proportion of their income in Social Security and Medicare taxes than wealthy people who stop paying taxes after they hit a certain amount of income.
If they are a homeowner, they certainly pay property taxes. Everytime they go to the store to buy food for their family, or clothes, they pay a sales tax, which, again, because poor people spend all of what they earn, the pay a higher proportion of their income on sales taxes.
So get your head out of your radio listening to Sean Hannity, and think.
My thought is if you are on public assistance, that sorta means that you can’t afford to support yourself or your family and therefore begs the question about spending cash, however derived, on GAMBLING. Our tax dollars are helping them live (good) while their cash is spent wastefully (not good). Maybe I should try to get on the dole so I can gamble, something that does not fit into my budget, what with having to pay bills, taxes, donations, etc.
DecGuy: so would you say you are a left wing ideologue, as you are quick to paint with the broad tar brush labeled “conservative”? You sound very angry with those who, rightly or wrongly, disagree with you. Doesn’t sound very lefty inclusive to me.
I think Mommy is just stirring the pot, so I will just attribute their comment as that without vilifying. But that’s just me..different strokes, eh?
Ok…so I don’t live in Oakhurst anymore…I still check this blog often cause it is so darn interesting.
This thread started out about the robbery and has unraveled to some…well..other stuff. Such is life in the blogosphere.
During my ten or so years in Oakhurst, the Hop and Shop has always been there and always been, for the most part, just as you see it now. Rundown: yes. Unattractive: yes. Detrimental to the community: possibly, but only in the sense that its appearance makes our business center somewhat less attractive than it could be. I said our….I should say YOUR. But I digress.
I don’t think indigent or persons on public assistance is directly connected to criminals. Statistically there may be some overlap as one can safely assume that there are some folks who rob/steal, etc. so they can have food/money to survive. So to characterize the poorer members of Oakhurst as losers, thugs, etc. in at best inaccurate and at worst cruel. It is interesting to surmise that Hop and SHop would indeed increase their business if they were to put on a new face and clean up their “act”.
Part of living in Oakhurst, with all its benefits, is accepting the toads among the princes so to speak. I didn’t care for the Hop and Shop as it seemed kinda dirty to me so I didn’t ever go there. But I didn’t think of it as a den of iniquity, either.
Keep on blogging!
DecGuy: so would you say you are a left wing ideologue, as you are quick to paint with the broad tar brush labeled “conservative”? You sound very angry with those who, rightly or wrongly, disagree with you. Doesn’t sound very lefty inclusive to me.
Nope, I’m actually quite conservative economically. I just feel like I have to respond when someone makes it sound like people are living on the dole because they may not pay federal income taxes when that is only a portion of the overall taxes they pay, particularly Social Security taxes, which is being redisributed to pay benefits for many Seniors who don’t necessarily need them.
And how do you know that the people you see playing the lotter at Hop & Shop are on “public assistance?” Even if they are and your tax money is going to pay that “public assistance,” when they play the lottery (which is run by the state) isn’t that money just going right back to budget? Look at it as you giving them some money and them giving it right back to you.
Related to the original post, I received this email about the robbery in front of Kavarna:
Oakhurst Neighborhood Association
January 13, 2009
Dear Oakhurst Community, In an effort to clear up communication between some community members in Oakhurst, the following are statements from the City of Decatur Police Department. ** On 12/31/08, Decatur Police Department received a BOLO (be on the lookout) message from Atlanta Police regarding a burglary that occurred on Memorial Dr. This burglary/home invasion/robbery did not occur on East Lake Drive but in the City of Atlanta. The City of Decatur Police assisted Atlanta Police in the attempt to locate the vehicle believed to be involved in this incident, to no avail.
** An armed robbery did occur Friday, 1/9/09, in the Oakhurst Business District and details specific to that incident are summarized below: ROBBERY Location: East Lake Drive @ Fayetteville Road Date: 01-09-09 Time: 12:54am Force: Weapon displayed Synopsis: Victim stated she was entering her parked vehicle when she was approached by two males. One of the suspects was holding a silver metal object which appeared to be a firearm. The suspects demanded money. When the victim told the suspects she had no money, they took her cellular telephone and left the area on foot. The suspects were last seen walking westbound on East Lake Drive. The suspects were described as two black males approximately 6′ tall with slender builds. Both suspects were wearing white “puffy” hooded jackets. This investigation is active and on-going and the investigators are following-up on leads regarding this incident. We hope this clarifies any other information you may have received regarding the incidents detailed above. Juanchella G. Francis, PhD Community Relations Decatur Police Department 420 W. Trinity Place Decatur, Ga 30030 (678) 553-6656 o (404) 370-4117 f [email protected]
Visit Our Website
Sherina Clough, President
Oakhurst Neighborhood Association
email: [email protected]
[edited: no personal attacks allowed]
I don’t understand why someone would brag about trying to single handedly close the Hop n Shop. I agree lottery tickets are not a necessity of life, but that’s where I get my smokes from – And I am an upper middle class, white, professional, resident of Oakhurst. So I guess I don’t fit the profile. I for one would be very upset if I had to drive to Publix for smokes. So don’t mess with the Hop n Shop.
It’s horrible that happened in our neighborhood. Perhaps resident awareness and requests for increased police patrol are better answers than shutting down private businesses.
Too bad the old Big H isn’t still there. After the comments about the Hop n Shop, I can’t even imagine what the newcomers would have thought of that place.