Unhappy With the DeKalb Farmer's Market
Decatur Metro | September 1, 2008 | 10:02 amInspired by our many discussions about recent issues at Your DeKalb Farmer’s Market, Paula walks the walk and writes a detailed letter to management.
Here’s the text…
For as many years as I have lived in the Atlanta area, I have shopped almost weekly at Your DeKalb Farmers Market. I have loved the market for its selection, prices, and high quality, and I always tout it to out-of-town friends as one of the best things about living here.
Recently, however, a few issues have arisen that have drastically reduced my enthusiasm about the store. The first issue is the store’s policy with regards to shopping bags that patrons bring from home. As I am sure you can appreciate, I try to bring reusable bags from home out of concern for the environment. Until a few months ago, I never had a problem doing so. In recent times, I have been approached by store employees telling me I must check my bags. The manner is which the policy is enforced leaves a great deal to be desired. First of all, it is inconsistently enforced; at various times I have been told it’s okay to carry my bags in my purse, or folded up in the basket seat, while at other times I have been informed the bags must be checked regardless. I also do not appreciate the extremely aggressive manner in which employees often approach customers about the policy, acting almost as if they have already stolen something, or are on the verge of doing so. Lastly, it is simply an inconvenience that I do not believe is warranted.
The second issue is of greater significance, and of bigger impact on the shopping experience. In the last six months, I have noticed an increasingly unpleasant smell throughout the store. It is difficult to describe, although friends have variously called it a chemical smell, a rotting food odor, or a mildew smell. It seems to have gotten progressively worse to the point that it now permeates baked goods, dry goods, and sometimes the cheeses. My clothes and hands smell after a shopping trip, as does my hair. On one occasion, my out of town visitor had to leave the store and wait in the car for me because the odor was giving him a headache. I know I am not alone in noticing this, as it has been discussed on local websites (see www.decaturmetro.com, for example). I don’t know what it is, but I am on the verge of not being able to patronize YDFM anymore, which would be a great loss for me and my family. I truly implore you to look into this matter and see what can be done.
In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from you about these concerns.
I sent the market a letter about the bag policy about six weeks ago. I have not received a response yet.
I don’t hold out much hope for a remedy, it’s been going on for a long time, it’s just gotten beyond tolerable in the year or so. It’s actually so bad I’m worried about the employees that have to work in there day-after-day — it can’t be healthy for them. The quality of things degraded about a year/year and a half ago IMHO (anyone wanna buy a quiche? no? why not??? :-/) It’s like the oversight/management has slacked significantly. It’s for that reason I don’t hold out much hope in seeing them turn it around, but I really do hope things get better – and soon.
Until then, does anyone have any good alternative recommendations they’ve been trying?
I’ve started buying meat from Sawicki’s next to Cakes and Ale/Taco Mac (and sandwiches, too – and the oatmeal raisin cookies are mine – paws OFF those cookies folks!) and taken a CSA share + eggs from Taylor Organic Farms (go farmer Neil!). But I’d love to know if anyone has tried any other farmer’s markets in the area and found them to a good alternative?
I see that Super H Mart is opening up in Doraville soon; I’m excited to see that.
I was at YDFM this past Friday, and the cheese and bananna nut muffins I bought had the same unpleasant smell that Paula mentioned. I noticed this months ago and it was what prompted me not to shop there for a while. I won’t be going back there until they get it straightened out.
Yeah, I had a cupcake from the farmer’s market the other day….it tasted faintly of fish. YUCK. I’m still shopping there, but I avoid all the baked goods.
The bag policy is simply inexplicable. The idea that people will shoplift food if allowed to bring in their own bags is pretty silly. All they have to do is make sure no one enters the checkout area with food already in a bag, which, given the small number of exits, should be very easy to do.
The smell has never bothered to me anything near the extent it has apprently bothered others. But I do agree that quality has been deteriorating there in the last 6-12 months on some items. The fish has always been spotty, but lately, I’d say 90% or more of is not even close to fresh and bordering on inedible. One day I watched as they fileted trout, and it was obvious that they were simply scooping the dead fish from the tank, cleaning them up a bit and selling them. Some of the fish were not just dead, but actually decaying.
Produce is still great, and their selection of items that can’t be affected by any smell due to packaging is also the best around. I just wish they’d fix the small number of things that are broken there.
Baron, I agree with you. Since they have such a huge customer base, they probably won’t take a few complaints all that seriously. Plus whatever that smell is, I bet its pretty darn hard to get rid of. In regards to the out-dated bag policy, maybe they will listen, maybe they won’t. But I’m not holding my breath.
DEM – yuck yuck yuck. That just reinforces my “no seafood from YDFM” policy. Especially after getting a rancid bag of shrimp there a few months back.
decaturite – thanks for posting this. i will let you know if/when i get a response. in the meantime, i hope everyone else who has had a problem writes in too!
My adult son complains about the smell, and has curtailed his shopping. I’ve been shopping there since they were on Medlock, and haven’t noticed the odor, but my olfactory seems to have deteriorated with middle age. I also don’t usually buy baked goods or prepared foods. I have never had a problem with the seafood. Certaintly there are some fish, that have clouded eyes and I stay away from them, but on the whole I am quite happy about the fish and shellfish.
I agree that the security folks need some lessons in tact. I think many of us green people are offended that we are being accused of stealing or plotting to do so.
I am optimistic the owners will address both issues. They are very attentive and hands-on about their business and products.
wow, this post has perfect timing!. Yesterday was my first trip to YDFM using my own shopping bag. It was to be a quick pop-in (it is possible!) to pick up 5 items. I spent at least 10 minutes dealing with the bag-check issue. They were very rude and definitely behaved as if I was going to steal something. It is too bad they are doing everything they can to discourage shoppers from avoiding the dreaded plastic bag.
I too have had to curtail my shopping at YDFM. Quality has really gone down over the last 12 months and we’ve stopped buying all prepared foods and pastries. Really it is down to the organic fruit for us.
Wow! I thought I was crazy. I can’t shop there anymore and it’s so disappointing. First the fish got bad and then the weird smell was amped up – I couldn’t eat the cheese or baked goods I bought. It’s such a great value – thanks for writing such a good letter to management!
We’ve long since stopped buying baked goods and cheese from YDFM because of the smell. We’ll still get fruits and veggies there as they’re cheaper than (and usually better quality than) Publix, but that’s it — and that’s not even a given anymore.
Perhaps this would be a good time to plug the Decatur Farmer’s Market in the BoA parking lot on Wednesdays? There’s also a good one on Highland Ave. in Morningside on Saturdays. It’s across from Alon’s, and between the two you can come away with a pretty good haul of organic fruits and veggies plus some nice baked goods and cheeses.
Had a problem with the coffee about 4 months ago. It started having a very bad rancid smell. Tried a couple of bags and they were all the same. Been buying it there for years. Not any more. Something certainly changed over the last year.
It’s never been my favorite place to shop. So no big loss for me. Sawickis now rules.
I’m glad I’m not alone with the YDFM odor issue. When it first started getting bad I just stopped buying the baked goods, but now I can’t even walk in there without having to immediately rush out for a breath of fresh air.
The Wednesday outdoor farmer’s market in Decatur is great, but a little pricey for me. I’ll be sticking to Kroger and Publix (and occasional treats from the outdoor farmer’s market) until YDFM cleans up its act.
I’ve only lived here three years and the YDFM is a godsend. It’s always smelled like fish to me and I’ve not noticed any smells permeating cheese (don’t buy the bread and never thought the baked goods were all that). I’ve also not noticed a dip in the quality of the produce, meat or seafood. Seafood is tricky and we are facing some pretty harrowing problems out there on the waters. Regardless, some of the best shrimp and fish I’ve ever had has been from that store in the last year. Has anyone here been to a Chinatown fish market in any major city? YDFM smells like lavender-bathed cherubs compared to Chinatown in Toronto.
And just for my perspective as a renter/student: YDFM isn’t for rich folks. I’m happy that you can choose to shop at a specialty store like Sawicki’s for meat and produce, but I can’t afford those prices. Sawicki’s is great and all, fantastic sandwiches, etc., and I get they can’t offer bulk prices, but come on. If you can afford to buy meat and Sawicki’s, why are you not just shopping at Whole Foods? We’ll slum it, buying up tasty meat and veg, while you run out of the place gasping for air.
Lucas –
I expect a farmers market to smell like fish or even a bit like rotting produce. The smell in question is much more chemical in nature – I don’t know any other way to describe it. I have been shopping at the YDFM for years and quite frankly the “our bag” veg has gotten me through some tough times. Whatever that chemical stench is – I can no longer tolerate being in the building, much less the horrible smell that stays on your hair, clothing and anything you bring home from the market.
Consider yourself lucky if you don’t smell it. I’m not at all happy to have to give YDFM up – it’s kind of the point of this whole thread…
Does anyone know if Robert Blazer is still the owner of the DeKalb Farmers Market?
all the more reason we need our own little city of decatur co-op!
small enough to keep CLEAN and to be responsive to customer’s complaints.
I thought I was alone in being bothered by the mystery smell. My boyfriend and I were making a habit of eating lunch at the Farmer’s Market cafe every day (the cheapest lunch in Decatur, I swear), and I got to the point where I just couldn’t handle it anymore.
I would walk in the door and immediately lose my appetite. In fact I get queasy just thinking about it. And I couldn’t ever place it either. For a while I thought it was because I was walking in the entrance right in front of the seafood section, but then it dawned on my that if that smell is from the seafood then something is HORRIBLY wrong!
I’ve been a very loyal patron of the Farmer’s Market for some time, but lately when I need something my first inclination is now to head to Kroger.
I have been telling my wife about this SMELL for several years. I will not buy bread or meat there any longer.
Too bad.
I actually hide my reusable bags in my cart (with my purse or a child strategically placed on top of them) so that I avoid checking them. I agree that it’s absurdly unnecessary and a waste of time.
We hide ours too emilyk. Usually in my wife’s purse.
And I agree with those that say that smell is nothing new. What’s new to me is the fact that I have now tasted it in food (provolone cheese).
I’ve been going weekly, at least, for 8 years and don’t think the smell is anything new. It’s never bothered me a bit– I just chalk it up to farmer’s market smell. Many markets I’ve been in smell similarly. I have a friend, though, who has found it off-putting for years and won’t go in.
I did, though, have some very strange-tasting bread about 3 weeks ago. The flavor was really wrong and very strong. I think my mom said she tasted it in some cookies as well.
When I lived in Chicago, I noticed the exact same smell at some of the Mexican grocery stores that I shopped at. The smell permeated the desserts and bread that I bought so badly that they tasted like that smell, and I wouldn’t shop there again. I think it has something to do with the way that they are handling the raw meat and fish. Good stores will not have that smell, only stores that are slacking off in some way.
I haven’t been able to eat YDFM packaged cheese for some time.. I thought it was the saran wrap they used that put some flavor on the cheese.. that has been my only problem though.. as for the bags and the attitude of the enforcers of the policy, perhaps we need to take the cultural differences into account. Last time I was there, I saw lots of bags checked and they have signs that clearly say that no oversized bags are allowed. Those signs have been up for years. Perhaps they had some bad experiences that led them to enforce the policy. I do agree that they should enforce it uniformly though, if they are going to enforce. I just wish that Trader Joe’s would open in Decatur.. there is a prime space avaiable where the Pep Boy’s used to be in the Big Lots Plaza!!
A little off topic, but what happened to the Piggly Wiggly that was going to go into the old Winn Dixie at Suburban? They do have some lines of uniquely Southern foods.
Regarding Mr. Blazer’s ownership of DFM, I’m not sure, but I’ve not seen him on the premises nearly as much in the past few months as I used to. Recently only a younger guy (his son,perhaps?) seems to be ‘in charge’ when I go — which is usally at least once a week. I’ll try to see if I notice the smell(s) next time; the funky odor has been a problem in wrapped items, though, i.e., cheese & some pastries. Still the best one-stop shopping for food & wine in the metro area, in my book. Have been going since they were at their old, orginal site on N. Decatur Rd.
I have been shopping at the DFM for 12 years and have always noticed the smell, but what I’m finding very troubling is the fact that a lot of the packaged organic food I was buying is now being replaced w/ non organic brands of unfamiliar origin. Anyone else notice this?
We always check the date of any baked goods or bread to make sure it was made or cut that day.
IMO, the smell has been there since I first started shopping there 5 years ago. I’ve never eaten lunch there because of that smell. It simply turns me off and continues to turn me off. I attributed it to the concentration of fish and smoked meats in the same area. I’ve NEVER understood how people could eat at the Market with that funky smell from the fish and smoked meat RIGHT THERE. LOL!!!!! I guess the price can override a person’s nasal capacity.
They may be attempting to overcome that “funky smell” by overdoing it with chemicals. Or they’ve upped their cleaning schedule/ practice. Because I have noticed an increase in a bleachy-type smell and I welcome it. It shows that they want the Market to be clean and disinfected.
And I do agree with the bag policy. I saw a security guy roll up on a woman on Saturday morning and it was not a good scene. She was taken aback and he was VERY short and almost accusatory. Not a good scene at all.
As for the quality of the fish, IMO it’s always been spotty at best. I just get mine from Whole Foods and call it a day. The fish is only as good as it was when it was packed and flash frozen from by the wholesaler. Which most of the fish is prior to arriving at the Market. The scallops smell like they’ve been given ammonia in order to help them retain water and thus weigh more coming off the ship. Just very spotty. And the wide variety of fish types I believe also attributes to the smell. Remember, you have the full gamut of fish. Salt, fresh, top and bottom dwellers, shell, etc.
Organic Shopper,
I definitely agree with you. They are certainly getting items from rather varied locales. And not as much organic. The increased cost of gasoline may be playing a role in the decreased number of offering. To their credit, they have not raised prices as much as I expected. BUT the selection has definitely dropped in the produce aisle.
In fact, this may also be a factor in the amount of “previously frozen” fish being offered. It seems that they offered more fish that wasn’t “previously frozen” and thus coming from places closers places like Charleston, Savannah or the Gulf. Way more frozen product.
I thought I was being oversensitive on the smell issue but my most recent purchase will be my last until they figure it out. All items (cheese and baked goods) were infused with the taste of that decaying cardboard, rotten food aroma you smell when you walk into the Market. I wonder if management is aware of what seems to be a consensus of people backing away from YDFM. It is sad.
Such a shame about DFM. I don’t think management cares. A little over a year ago, I bought some halibut that looked fine in the case but turned out to be stinky and decaying when I opened it at home.
I went right back to the market. The customer service worker acted like it was no big deal. She didn’t sniff the fish or even look at it – just gave me a refund. Someone else in line was returning seafood, too. Now I buy only canned foods and wine at DFM.
[…] 3:43 pm (Uncategorized) (decatur) Apparently there a lot of people not digging the YDFM lately. What’s with the funk? And yes, if you read that far, that is yours truly commenting about the smell permeating the […]
I love the YDFM! I couldn’t imagine life without it. In my book it puts Whole Foods, Trader Joes, et al to shame. I’ve never noticed a smell at all and I’m there on average twice a week.
As far as the fish, you’ve got to know what to purchase. It is hit or miss. Read the labels. Avoid frozen fish from certain areas. But it is one of the few places you can buy fresh Georgia shrimp in season and I’ve never had a problem with any of their fresh fish.
Does anyone have an e-mail address for the YDFM? I wanted to write them last summer about the odor but I couldn’t find a way to get in touch with them online.
I’ve never gotten the impression that YDFM is actually interested in feedback of any type.
Hi Smelly – I never found an email address for them, which is why I ended up writing a snail mail letter.
lol….”hi smelly”.
I’ve had a problem with the YDFM cheese. A couple of months ago it seemed a little off, but no problem. A few weeks ago I got home with some longhorn cheddar that smelled OK and looked OK, but tasted bad. Since it looked and smelled OK, I ate some anyway for lunch. Later in the afternoon felt sick to my stomach (still felt bad next morning). I don’t buy cheese there anymore.
I don’t have a problem checking my bags. I just go straight to the bag check and the ladies are always nice.
The smell is not so good though. After buying some granola that retained the smell, I don’t buy granola or baked goods there anymore.
[…] Metro says people are unhappy with conditions at the Dekalb Farmer’s Market. Any chance the market might want to switch locations with […]
the market has always smelled like that. i don’t buy bread there either because of the taste. even boxed stroopwafels had it, but i can put up with it if it’s not too strong.
and why have they been out of clementines for the past three weeks?
Is it bad that I like the smell? Every time I go in there, it reminds me of the first time I visited 6 years ago, which is a good memory. It’s a farmers market, so the chlorinated barnyard-of-the-sea smell is part of the experience.
I think you all have ruined by YDFM experience. I was in there yesterday and the smell about knocked me over, particularly in the meat/cheese area and had a headache later in the day.
Never noticed it before. What’s the deal?
I went to the YDFM on Friday to return a sour Key Lime Pie I bought on Tuesday. I forgot the receipt. I was told regardless of that it was more than 2 days. I’ve had over 20-30 of these, 1st bad pie. I have been shopping here over 20 years, when they were at Emory in the little store. The clerk was rude, would not give me Manager’s Mike complete name, put her hand over her name so I couldn’t get her name and tell it to the radio station what person was giving me a hard time. Security was called because I asked for an exchange for half a cake instead of another bad pie. 4 bakery women came out, took the pie in the back, said the Mgr. ate some of the pie I bought there and that it was fine, I told them it wasn’t. I was told to fill out the form. I finally did. Got ready to leave and was told Mike wanted to speak with me. He said he tasted the pie it was fine and that they will not do anything to please me regardless of the years I have been there. I told him I would tell the owner when he calls me, he said ok. I told him I had also told radio about it. He told me not to come back to the store again if I’m going to threaten them; I told him that I am an American and that I have not done anything wrong and that I can shop anywhere I want to as long as I am not doing anything wrong. Which I wasn’t. I walked off, went to pay for my seafood and I had the bad pie with me which they wouldn’t take and they tried to charge me for this bad pie. I had to go back and get the cust. svc. lady (the rude one) to tell him that I bought it in with me. He did apologize. Now, I have spent over $500 a month there especially in the summer, and I have told a lot of new people to the area to come to the market and bragged on it and it’s history. Never Again! The owner is supposed to call me next week. I’m having a radio conf. here in Atlanta tomorrow and I’m going to let them know the rest of the story. I am totally saddened by this. I even stood up for them when the war started in 1991 & it was boycotted.
Reading all these posts makes me so sad about YDFM. I had always noticed the strong chemical smell, but it wasn’t enough to deter me from being a customer. However, these stories of poor customer service and their unwillingness to accomodate/compromise is making think twice about shopping there.
I have stopped patronizing the market as well for a lot of reasons but never noticed the smell. With their poor customer service, I doubt they will respond. Why can’t you report them to the Dept. of Health?
Even though Whole Foods has higher prices, I have to admit I wish they would build closer to Decatur. I think the space that is open next to Eckerds in Suburban Plaza would be ideal!
I (and a friend) actually think the smell got better recently.
I agree with Charlie
you, know, i think you may be right about that, charlie and rebbeca. i didn’t go for about three weeks, but when i went back it seemed better. i wasn’t sure if it was the power of positive thinking or a real improvement.
I went there this Sunday afternoon. The smell was still there, but it did not seem to be as bad as previous times. I actually took the plunge and bought some cream cheese croissants to celebrate the lack of funkage. I’ll note that it seemed much less busier than a usual Sunday afternoon. Hopefully they’re trying to address it, only time will tell.
Now, if we could just get them to stop over-cooking their quiches!
M. George, please realize that the market is not required to afford you any niceties or special privileges regardless how much money you spend there. They followed their protocol; I would be more thankful that they stick to their guns.
Concerning the smell, I just finished eating some bread and cheese I picked up earlier this week. The moment I began to eat, everything tasted like the market. It’s simply disgusting. I will unfortunately no longer shop there until this issue is resolved.
I, too ran into problems when trying to bring in reusable bags in the past. I now use a folding plastic container ( from the container store). I put it, folded flat, in my cart and stroll right past the ‘bag police’. I have been doing this for the last 12 months or so and haven’t had any issues yet.
I also had the bad shopping-bag experience, was practically chased out of the market by someone shouting “Don’t let her come back” because I wouldn’t check my string bags (see-through, no real threat I was going to sneak out an expensive bottle of wine.) Now, I take a really large handbag, put nothing in it but a wallet and my wadded up reusable bags. No trouble.
The smell issue won’t ever be resolved I fear. It’s only gotten worse over the last decade or so. I was a vegetarian until I got pregnant a couple years back and it had gotten to the point then where I could not go in the door! For me it wasn’t a chemical smell, but the fetid smell of blood. For real! I stopped in the other day that horrid smell was in the box of pastries I had bought.
If you feel that you must patronize this establishment, you should go on the weekend. I know the crowds are horrendous, but with the faster turnover of inventory, you won’t get the smell issues. I have not noticed the smell in cheese or baked goods or anything, and I think it’s because I shop there on Sundays.
But I feel more and more that sneaking bags in my purse or under a zipped-up coat is ridiculous, and I should just stop shopping there.
I purchased some very expensive crabmeat at the DeKalb Farmers Market this weekend. I opened it on 3/17 to prepare a crab bisque and it smelled worse than catfood. I actually thought maybe my dog had passed gas. It was the crabmeat (expiration date on the bottom was 3/20/09). I immediately took it back. Not only did they NOT return my $17, the customer service lady and seafood/meat manager wouldn’t smell it or agree that it was bad. They also didn’t remove the other crabmeat and oyster containers from the shelves. My policy in the future, if I shop there, is to avoid fish, shellfish, meatss, and”fresh” prepared foods or breads. Such a shame. Is there any other recourse?
Take it and hide it behind the fruit juices…it will take them a while to find that stinker.
I use to shop to the Dekalb Farmers market and i think that it’s a good place where most of the people can find what they need; so, i think that we have to be a little nice with the employees, because they accept to serve there; may be there are things they do not do better, but it does not mean that all they do is bad ; and the customer service ladies are most of the time nice with customers. About the bags policy, how can they know that this customer can steal and not the other one? I think that i do not loose something by cheking in my bag!
If you don’t like it… shop elsewhere and quit complaining people.
Osaga, many people have. Police state customer service isn’t worth the overhyped food offerings, to say the least. The management is rude, indifferent, and overbearing.
I am sure you have never complained about anyone or anything, eh?
Your recourse is to quit shopping there altogether rather than reward a poorly run business.
The bags policy is ridiculous and insulting. They can grab you as you come in the door and take your bags, but what’s to stop you from stealing something after you go to pick your bags up? It doesn’t make any sense. I refuse to check my bags and I empty out my purse and stuff it with my bags, then pull them out of my purse at checkout.
I know I’m in the minority, but I like the bag check. I don’t have to stuff or hide my bags anywhere. I just check them in and when I go to check out, hand my card to the cashier and somebody goes and gets them fairly quickly. It just doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. I may have had to wait a few minutes checking in or leaving, but nothing that I would look back on my death bed as wasted time.
Also, I’m wondering why you feel insulted? I’m sure the bag policy is not anything personal towards you. It may not stop all shoplifting but if management feels like it helps, then that seems reasonable. Now, if the policy was that I had to shop with a dead squirrel on my head, I most likely would choose not to shop there because that would not be reasonable, to me anyway.