Creative Loafing Layoffs
Decatur Metro | December 10, 2007News that CL has laid off seven non-editorial people in its Atlanta office, along with bigger cuts (including editorial) at the newly acquired Chicago Reader and Washington City Daily, will get definitely get the attention of the Atlanta blogsphere.
It begs the question of whether these alt-publishers, just like the big-boys over at the AJC, can stay solvent in an ever-changing .com world. My personal take is that most print media will end up moving to the web, but its going to be a rocky road for a while, as advertisers slowly move their ad dollars from TV/radio/print to the web.
As for us one-man blogger operations, we don’t necessarily need the ad dollars (unless its a full-time job), just more free time (which I guess would come with more cash). Regardless, I don’t see myself laying myself off any time soon.
Read Creative Loafing’s “official” take here. Sounds like DriftGrift is on this story too. Oh, and some paper called the New York Times also covered the story.