Decatur Arts Alliance Hiring Artists to Take to Decatur Streets During Sidewalk Saturdays

I don’t believe it’s an overstatement to say that this is one of the cooler things to come out of Decatur EVER!  The Decatur Arts Alliance sends along this note…

Sidewalk Saturdays in Decatur are fast-approaching! During April, May and June there will be street performers, artists, poets, singers, musicians, dancers, and sidewalk chalk artists performing on key streets and corners in downtown Decatur and Oakhurst. Performers will pass an audition and receive an hourly stipend.

Ready to take your art to the streets of Decatur? The application deadline is March 21st and we will be hiring artists quickly. Submit your application along with a digital copy of, or link to, your work. If you are not interested in participating in Sidewalk Saturdays but know artists who may be, please pass this email along.

Artists: Download the application HERE!

10 thoughts on “Decatur Arts Alliance Hiring Artists to Take to Decatur Streets During Sidewalk Saturdays”

  1. This is going to be fun! Especially to get the kids out for a springtime walk.

    Does “Snark” count as art? I know some creative snarkists who could finally earn some money for their craft.

  2. I was just wondering, will other, non-sanctioned street performers be chased off?

    If the artist receives an hourly stipend, does that preclude leaving the hat out or charging for drawn caricatures?

  3. While we’re at it, who organizes the Concerts on the Square? I would love to see Decaturites square dancing or contra dancing rather that sitting on lawn chairs and blankets.

    Would a square dance caller and her band still count as a concert? or would this be an Active Living kind of thing?

    1. I’m all for folk dancing of any sort! Especially the kind for which you do not have to bring your own partner–e.g. contra. The big lugs in my household don’t dance. 🙁

    2. Concerts on the Square are brought to you by your Decatur Business Association.

  4. I hope someone gets word to the guy who plays trumpet in front of Little Stories. He looks like he could use a stipend (and he’s gonna be on the square anyway). He always plays Thelonious for me!

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