Decatur Metro Online City Commission Debate Tonight!
Decatur Metro | October 21, 2009Not that you need any reminders, but tonight is the night!
Tune in at 8pm to Decatur Metro and watch the four city commission candidates duke it out, debating the city’s most pressing issues!
Oh, and ya know how all debates wrap-up with a semi-lame, light-hearted question that tries to reminds us of our shared humanity? I’m still in need one of those, so feel free to suggest some below.
Ask them for a haiku about Decatur. I like my city commissioners to be able to think on their feet.
How about one of these?
1. What’s the difference between an orange?
2. How long is a string?
3. Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?
4. Do you drive to work, or do you take your lunch?
5. What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
6. Is Tom Cruise gay?
Unladen swallow–I’m for that one.
If a candidate doesn’t know her/his Python, she/he doesn’t get my vote.
This reminds me of the question a guy blurted out to Buzz Aldrin when he appeared for a signing at the Blue Elephant recently: “What feelings ran through your mind when you first stepped on the moon?” Buzz mildly rebuked him by saying that was the most obvious question, then went on to say that he was concentrating on doing the job he’d trained for for many years, and not what his feelings were.
So, for an equally lame question which might catch someone off-guard, I’d ask: “When you first sit down in that chair as a Commissioner, what feelings will be running through your mind?” If the candidate is an incumbent, rephrase the question as what he/she first thought when he/she first sat in the chair as an elected commissioner.
I’m interested in candidates thoughts about transportation and traffic issues in Decatur…
Are you enthusiastic about the current emphasis on pedestrian and cyclist amenities in the traffic plan?
Do you think it goes far enough in that direction?
What would you do to improve our budding “safe routes to school” program?
What will you do to gain authority of road design and traffic control devices within the city of Decatur?
What will you do if you get those controls?
What can we do about the stroller mafia?
Q: Why won’t Mr. Big Stuff sell the Big H center?
A: Those billions went to Cash for Clunkers instead!
I like the question 11Alive asked the Mayor candidates:
When’s the last time you rode MARTA and how much was the fare?
Other ideas:
What’s your favorite flavor at yogurt tap?
Where do you dine on the square?
Have you attended a Decatur High Football game this season?
Or ask them to re-name The Grange.