Decatur Budget Priorities: Active Living
Decatur Metro | July 30, 2009 | 12:33 pmIn it’s own narrative section (pages 16-18), Decatur’s Active Living division discusses ways it will be cutting back (aka identifying “cost savings”) in the coming year, including finding more efficient options for large program registration events, reducing the use of paper and office supplies, and looking for more partner opportunities to share costs.
For the 09-10 budget year, the Active Living Division’s four budget priorities focus mainly on maintenance and repairs, along with a new storage building. Here’s the quick rundown. Full descriptions for each priority can be found after the jump.
- Priority One: Storage building with restroom for Ebster Field.
- Priority Two:Fencing for the small softball field at Oakhurst Park and a bin for special infield dirt material for both Oakhurst softball fields.
- Priority Three:Re‐paint and fix cracks at the heavily used basketball courts at Oakhurst Park, Ebster Park, and Mead Road Park.
- Priority Four: New fencing at the McKoy Skate Park.
Priority One: Storage building with restroom for Ebster Field. Ebster Field is currently the most used athletic field. There is a need for a secure storage building to store all the various equipment for soccer, lacrosse, softball, baseball, high school teams, camps, special events, etc. There is also a need for a restroom for participants and spectators. A restroom on the field has been requested by a large number of parents of our youth participants.
Priority Two: Fencing for the small softball field at Oakhurst Park and a bin for special infield dirt material for both Oakhurst softball ields. The current fencing of the Oakhurst small softball field is damaged in certain sections. More importantly, the fencing has gaps and is only four foot high in the outfield, so dog users have been bringing their pets onto the field; damaging the turf and leaving dog excrement on the field. For both the newly renovated large softball field and the small field, a large bin is needed for specialized infield dirt material, which is engineered for proper drainage of a softball field. The bin needs to be locked and secured. Narrative
Priority Three: Re‐paint and fix cracks at the heavily used basketball courts at Oakhurst Park, Ebster Park, and Mead Road Park. The City outdoor basketball courts are heavily used. The Glenlake Park outdoor court will be re‐painted and repaired as part of the Glenlake Park renovation project. Outdoor basketball courts should be re‐painted approximately every five years and the City’s courts have not been re‐painted in over ten years. The outdoor basketball courts are used by city residents of all ages, including aftercare and summer camp programs.
Priority Four: New fencing at the McKoy Skate Park. The current fencing needs repair in multiple areas. The fencing is a lightweight gauge, and cannot sustain the wear and tear provided by skaters who bang or bump into the fencing as part of normal skateboarding actvity. Also, the fence is unsecured in some locations, providing access to the skate park even when the entrance gate is locked.
Priority Two: Fencing for the small softball field at Oakhurst Park and a bin for special infield dirt material for both Oakhurst softball ields. The current fencing of the Oakhurst small softball field is damaged in certain sections. More importantly, the fencing has gaps and is only four foot high in the outfield, so dog users have been bringing their pets onto the field; damaging the turf and leaving dog excrement on the field. For both the newly renovated large softball field and the small field, a large bin is needed for specialized infield dirt material, which is engineered for proper drainage of a softball field. The bin needs to be locked and secured.
Priority Three: Re‐paint and fix cracks at the heavily used basketball courts at Oakhurst Park, Ebster Park, and Mead Road Park. The City outdoor basketball courts are heavily used. The Glenlake Park outdoor court will be re‐painted and repaired as part of the Glenlake Park renovation project. Outdoor basketball courts should be re‐painted approximately every five years and the City’s courts have not been re‐painted in over ten years. The outdoor basketball courts are used by city residents of all ages, including aftercare and summer camp programs.
Priority Four: New fencing at the McKoy Skate Park. The current fencing needs repair in multiple areas. The fencing is a lightweight gauge, and cannot sustain the wear and tear provided by skaters who bang or bump into the fencing as part of normal skateboarding actvity. Also, the fence is unsecured in some locations, providing access to the skate park even when the entrance gate is lockedPriority One: Storage building with restroom for Ebster Field. Ebster Field is currently the most used athletic field. There is a need for a secure storage building to store all the various equipment for soccer, lacrosse, softball, baseball, high school teams, camps, special events, etc. There is also a need for a restroom for participants and spectators. A restroom on the field has been requested by a large number of parents of our youth participants.
Priority Two: Fencing for the small softball field at Oakhurst Park and a bin for special infield dirt material for both Oakhurst softball ields. The current fencing of the Oakhurst small softball field is damaged in certain sections. More importantly, the fencing has gaps and is only four foot high in the outfield, so dog users have been bringing their pets onto the field; damaging the turf and leaving dog excrement on the field. For both the newly renovated large softball field and the small field, a large bin is needed for specialized infield dirt material, which is engineered for proper drainage of a softball field. The bin needs to be locked and secured.
Priority Three: Re‐paint and fix cracks at the heavily used basketball courts at Oakhurst Park, Ebster Park, and Mead Road Park. The City outdoor basketball courts are heavily used. The Glenlake Park outdoor court will be re‐painted and repaired as part of the Glenlake Park renovation project. Outdoor basketball courts should be re‐painted approximately every five years and the City’s courts have not been re‐painted in over ten years. The outdoor basketball courts are used by city residents of all ages, including aftercare and summer camp programs.
Priority Four: New fencing at the McKoy Skate Park. The current fencing needs repair in multiple areas. The fencing is a lightweight gauge, and cannot sustain the wear and tear provided by skaters who bang or bump into the fencing as part of normal skateboarding actvity. Also, the fence is unsecured in some locations, providing access to the skate park even when the entrance gate is locked..