Huge Tree Down in Oakhurst
Decatur Metro | March 2, 2009Decaturguy sends in this image from the corner of 4th Avenue and Oakview Road and goes on to say ” I don’t know anything other than a neighbor told me that no one was hurt, but it looks like the tree took out the front part of two bungalows.”
After that wind started blowing last night, I was increasingly worried about something like this happening in the area.
Channel 11 had a live shot from the location on their noon news repeated at 6PM.
Yikes….! Glad that no one was hurt.
There’s another huge tree down on top of a brand new house on Bucher in WP. What a total bummer for the family. It is on their car too.
That picture is really frightening. I just keep imagining the tree that is five feet from my house in a horizontal position and it is not a comforting thought. The combination of years of drought and freak winter storms/wind can’t bode well for our amazing oak canopy.
The last couple of years, I’ve had a company come out to prune our trees and apply a some kind of treatment to increase the tree’s ability to absorb nutrients and water. I guess I just have to trust that continuing to do this will help the trees survive? Anyone have any other experiences?
I just took down a huge oak in my back yard. Made my wife cry. We love our trees and hate to see such an old symbol of the neighborhood go. To think that my great great grandfather wasn’t alive when this tree still towered over the neighborhood is really sad.
To avoid killing your tree:
1) Be careful with your use of insecticide/weed killer. If you use these chemicals on the tree root spread, then over time they will build up in the tree and kill it.
2) Don’t let ivy or vies grow up the tree, unless it is a symbiotic variety. This excludes wisteria and kudzu.
3) Pay to arbor your trees professionally. It is money well spent! If you must cut a limb yourself, cut the branch 4-8 inches from the trunk of the tree. This allows for proper healing.
3) Don’t put nails in the tree, such as those used to hang a hammock. While it is unlikely that this would kill a tree, it exposes the interior layers to infection, similar to how a cut on your skin will do the same thing.
Also get one of those hoses for slow watering and put it around your tree. We let ours run all night about once every 2 months in the hopes it will keep the tree healthy.