Farm Burger, along with Buckhead’s Holeman & Finch, seem to be racking up the burger accolades this year. And not just around Atlanta.
The latest comes from the well-known “Serious Eats” blog, which places Farm Burger’s burger among the likes of national classics like California’s In-and-Out Burger. Here’s the Farm Burger write-up, from Serious Eats’ Atlanta corespondent…
Tucked away in a trendy Atlanta suburb, Farm Burger’s hook is their eco-friendly mentality: from locally-raised, grass-fed, antibiotic- and hormone-free cows to the garden-fresh veggies, all the way down to compostable containers. Yes, it’s a burger joint that locavores can feel good about, but there’s plenty for carnivores to sink their teeth into as well. Build your own burger from an impressive toppings roster or go with one of their Blackboard Burgers. I decided to work up a Number Six on ’em (insert your favorite Blazing Saddles quote here): house-cured bacon, pepper jack cheese, salsa verde, and a sunny-side-up egg, all bookended by maybe the best bun I’ve ever had. I don’t know about that cow’s carbon footprint, but I can say it made for the best burger I ate this year.
Thanks to FMFats for pointing this out!