Decatur School Enrollment Is Up 8% vs. Last Year
Decatur Metro | November 6, 2016 | 11:24 amSuperintendent David Dude has a new post up on his blog with the latest CSD enrollment levels for this school year.
As the bar chart above shows, CSD enrollment saw an 8% increase, which continues to steady growth that’s been seen since at least 2009. According to a table on the Superintendent’s blog, CSD’s enrollment has grown between 7%-12% each year since 2009, so that 8% is at the lower end of the growth spectrum, but still not showing signs of slowing.
UPDATE: As Macarolina points out in a comment – maybe the most interesting aspect of the data posted by the Superintendent is the fact that the heightened enrollment of the last 4 incoming classes has been very consistent. As you can see in the bar chart below, K-4 grades all are hovering around 450 kids.
As Macarolina asks, ” if this trend of total grade size [ar]ound 447 students holds as it has for the past 5 years, is our school growth as wildly out of control as many seem to be saying? Are the Renfro[e] and DHS current expansions enough to handle the 447 grade size?”
Let’s see what we can find out, shall we?
As someone who has been posting CSD enrollment levels for years, I’m compelled to voice my appreciation to the Superintendent for helping get the enrollment trends out to the public. I recall a few years back when I’d have to screen clip bar charts out of presentations found deep in the School Board’s agenda or even create my own bar charts for readers after digging up numbers from a variety of places. We’ve come a long way!
Bar charts courtesy of Superindentent’s blog
I think the chart provided by Dr. Dude showing the total number of students is as important as the percentage growth chart here. The total number of students in grades K through 4 are just about the same (within 7) for each of those grades. if this trend of total grade size sound 447 students holds as it has for the past 5 years, is our school growth as wildly out of control as many seem to be saying? Are the Renfro and DHS current expansions enough to handle the 447 grade size?
Great point. I need to add this to the post.