Free-For-All Friday 7/8/16
Decatur Metro | July 8, 2016 | 8:46 amFeel free to use this post to make comments and ask questions about local topics not yet discussed here over the past week.
Feel free to use this post to make comments and ask questions about local topics not yet discussed here over the past week.
« MM: Streetlight Replacement Delayed, Clarkston Reduces Pot Penalty, and the Sweetwater Heist “South Decatur Village” Mixed Use Development Planned For Along South Columbia »
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RIP to all the Dallas officers, one of whom I knew. A fine man.
I’m so sorry, Deb…
I’m having a hard time focusing today. I am so afraid for our country. I know our country has been through worse times than this, but it just feels like there’s been a steady drumbeat of death and violence over the last six months. You keep hoping things will calm down, at least for a minute so you can process the previous tragedy. But we can’t even let a full week go by without slaughtering each other. I’m not particularly religious, but I have been praying this week. Something has to change. We have to change.
This too shall pass. It’s dreadful, sad and senseless. But it will pass.
The riots of the 60’s are forgotten. The unrest post Rodney King verdict is past. The violent and nonviolent Occupy movements are only recalled for their ultimate futility. We move on.
We need a fresh perspective – we need new leadership – we need to educate (both sides) – but we’ll get through it and be arguing about some other outrage in 6 months, a year, or two.
However shocking and offensive, we’re resilient and stronger than this.
Forgotten by whom?
That we forget and move on with no apparent progress is part of the problem.
On a more mundane topic, did anyone else not get their glass recycling picked this week? Our red bin, on North Candler, was still full when we got home after work on Monday. The other recycling bin was handled in it’s usual efficient way before 8:00AM.
I think it’s your basic roll-out hiccups as the glass vendor gets up to speed. Here’s the latest from the city:
Monday was a holiday so I don’t think there was any recycling or glass pickup. My regular pickup day is Monday. My regular recycling was picked up on Tuesday and my glass was picked up on Wednesday.
Looking for recommendations for a gas plumber. Thanks!
here, pull my finger
Ken Reichert
(770) 890-4897
If you are strolling/melting in downtown Decatur,look up from your phone and see what we have replaced the #gawrites signs with….20+ local artists participated..#lookupdecatur is the tag
How dare you ask me to look up from my phone. I’m busy reading Facebook statuses from people I haven’t seen or spoken to in 25 years.
Does anyone have a good acupuncturist they can recommend? An old shoulder injury is acting back up, and I’m in dire need of a new practitioner (mine moved).
Kimberly Bonde at Intown Acupuncture (Mead Rd., Oakhurst Village) is excellent.
Thanks so much!
Dr. Jiang Li over on Winn Way: 404-697-6886. She is amazing.
Oh, good–always nice to have options! Thank you kindly!
What happened to all the chairs on the square? They have all disappeared
There were chairs? Were they immovable stone/concrete chairs or benches?
I heard they’re over at the Talley Street public works building for basic cleaning and maintenance and are scheduled to be put back by September or so.
Plenty of interesting stuff around the neighborhood to be seen while playing Pokemon Go! Also a good excuse to be out walking with your kids (or spouse!). Among the sought after locations for our part of the neighborhood (Pokestops) were: unusual trees, churches, the grave of a World War I soldier, and a Woodmen of the World pillar. Free, fun and some exercise to boot!
A good read with some interesting comparisons:
It’s interesting that the original Decaturish coverage never said that Dude can’t find an affordable house. I think the one quote from the first story there, which was actually from Annie Caiola, said he was having trouble finding something that “was workable.” That could be a reference to cost but it could also be a reference to availability, configuration, or size.
The public reaction has all been based on the belief that Dude said he can’t find something he can afford. Did he ever actually say that?
Did you know… there’s ONE patch of green space in DT Decatur (other than the cemetery)? At the corner of Trinity and Commerce. And it’s currently up for sale to the highest bidder! Help bring awareness to the green space and enjoy free Tai Chi classes on Saturday mornings. Check it out…