The Sheep are Coming Back!
Decatur Metro | June 24, 2015 | 2:33 pmThe Decatur Minute reports that the sheep are returning to the cemetery next Monday, June 29th to eat some more Japanese hops and kudze “on the steep slope between Section 14 and the creek at the Decatur Cemetery”. They state that they will likely be there – chomping away – for 7-10 days.
The Minute also provided this word of caution…
While walkers, joggers and other visitors to the cemetery are welcome to observe the sheep at work, please keep your dogs on leashes at all times and a safe distance from the sheep (the guard dogs will let you know if you are too close) and remind small children and overly curious adults not to touch the electrified fence (it won’t feel good).
my sweet embraceable ewe
Hold on, summer isn’t over next week (check your month in the text).
Wool you keep us updated?
You mean June 29th, right?
Uh, yes. Thanks for that.
DM says, sheepishly.
7-10 days my ass. The city is actually bringing them here for four months to establish residency so that they can vote Yes on the November school bond referendum. Sheeple, unite!