Planning Commission Tables Oakhurst Dog Park Subdivision Request One More Time


UPDATE: Looks like the AJC just posted a note about this development as well in the last 30 mins.  It reports there have been “two potential options” previously revealed by Weaver Capital…

One includes building two homes on the .6 acres and donating the triangle property to the city as a dog park (which surrounding neighbors oppose). The second includes building one larger home leaving only the lower portion as a dog park, while the triangle property may or may not become a dog park.


Another item of note from last week’s Planning Commission meeting – the Decatur Planning Commission again tabled an application by Weaver Capital to subdivide the Boys & Girls Club of Metro Atlanta property at 450 East Lake Drive, creating two residential lots.

The applicant requested the item be tabled until May so that they could find “a solution to develop the property that was agreeable to the community.”, according to the meeting minutes.  The request was already tabled once late last year and then removed from the agenda back in February.

Planning Director Amanda Thompson noted that because the request to table this month was late, “The applicant could not defer in writing, but needed to appear at the advertised public hearing.”

Ms. Thompson then noted that “the Planning Commission could hold the public hearing and allow comment.”, which they did.  Nine local residents spoke in relation to the request.

The commission then voted unanimously to table the item until May.  But according to the minutes, Commissioner Tony Powers “stated that the Planning Commission would be unlikely to table this item again.”

4 thoughts on “Planning Commission Tables Oakhurst Dog Park Subdivision Request One More Time”

  1. I’m guessing it’s the neighbors on Hood Circle and East Lake that back up to the “Triangle Property” who are opposed to it being donated to the city for use as a dog park? That sounds like about as reasonable compromise from a developer as you are likely to see around here.

  2. We are Decatur residents and are considering purchasing one of the houses that back up to the “triangle” We’ve been reading all of the updates and the proposals and we are spooked. We can’t tell where the winds are blowing on this and don’t want to get involved in a protracted land dispute. I wish they they would decide this divisive matter once and for all.

  3. Does anyone know if this is private property? I assume that it is? Also are the lots conforming (do they meet all of the base zoning?) My thought is that if it is private property and meets all of the zoning guidelines there is no reason to limit the ability for someone to use their own property for their own use subdivision or not. Now if it does not meet the basic zoning then I can totally understand. Sorry I am a bit behind so these questions may already be answered.

    1. The land is privately held by the Boys and Girls Club. The two lots in the current proposal are both conforming.

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