Meet This Year’s Decatur Beer Festival Grant Recipients!
Decatur Metro | January 16, 2015 | 9:58 amEach year, the Decatur Craft Beer Festival issues grants to local organizations stemming from the proceeds of the latest Beer Fest. The latest issue of the Decatur Focus lists this year’s recipients.
Below you’ll find the Decatur Focus summary of how each group will use their grant, along with a logo/photo and a link to the org’s website if you’d like to learn more about them.
Community Farmers Market, Inc. To expand access to fresh, locally grown food for Decatur residents, with an emphasis on reaching low-income families.
Decatur arts alliance. To commission artists to design and create three benches and three bicycle racks for the Oakhurst neighborhood; to offset the costs of work- shops and marketing for the second annual Decatur Lantern Parade.
Decatur Cooperative Ministry (DCM). To support the Family Transitional House (FTH) program, which provides six-month interim housing for families seeking to establish stable housing and self-sufficiency. Participants also receive job counseling, case management, financial education, life skills, and personal budgeting sessions.
Decatur Education Foundation. To support activities, field trips, and service projects for the Partnerships for Success program.
Decatur Fire Department. To repair the Fire Prevention Mini Fire Truck, a popular tool used in fire prevention education as well as community events throughout Decatur.
Decatur Police Department. To purchase equipment for a free self-defense course for women in the community.
Decatur Preservation Alliance/MlK Service Project. To directly assist low-in- come senior homeowners in Decatur by pro- viding house maintenance and repair work.
Decatur-Area Emergency Assistance Ministry. To provide food, prescription, and utility help to families. Funds will support the reinstatement of a rent assistance program for clients facing immediate homelessness.
Friends of Decatur Cemetery. To purchase a permanent grave marker and memorial for Dr. Ormand L. Morgan, the first known burial in Decatur Cemetery (c.1823).
Global Village Project, Inc. To support a mentor program for young refugee women in middle and high school by paying for meals, admission, and transportation in the Decatur area.
HomeGrown Decatur. To pay for marketing efforts and procure musical talent for the Haints & Saints Parade, a family-friendly Halloween event in Decatur.
L’arche. To help pay for a hard-surface driveway and parking pad to complete an accessibility project for the L’Arche (“The Ark” in French) house in Decatur. Currently three adults with intellectual disabilities and three assistants reside there.
Our House, Inc. To purchase classroom materials and supplies for Early Childhood Education programs for homeless children.
Parkwood Garden Club, Inc. To create a self-sustaining prairie of native plants to increase wildlife diversity in the park.
Poverty is Real. To help fund local-level charities who work to combat poverty on the frontlines.
Reading is Essential for all People, Inc. To support the professional development of two CSD teachers in reading instruction for struggling students.
Tanyard Creek Community Garden. To purchase native plants to replace the invasive species growing throughout the stream buffer.
The Community School. To support weekly hiking trips around Atlanta as part of an outdoor program for adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorders.
Wylde Center. To install an herb garden in Oakhurst Garden for use in education classes and culinary herb sales. It will include raised beds, maintained paths, instructional signage, and tools for harvesting herbs.
It is clear that a big shout out should go to all those involved in making this great Decatur event happen. With a special thanks to the Brickstore team.
What an Amazing list of Charities that will be helped this year as there is every year!
I love the wild diversity of the projects supported.
I was going to post about which project I was really excited about but, as I kept reading down the list, I kept coming up with more favorites.
Decatur Education Foundation is also a very grateful recipient of a beer grant (don’t see us on your list). We received funds to support a wonderful program at Decatur High School called Partnerships for Success which provides opportunities for special education students and their regular education peers to come together for social activities and service learning.
Not sure how that happened. I’ve added you guys to the list Gail!