Eye on the Street
Decatur Metro | August 28, 2014 | 10:30 amCommerce Drive @ Trinity, Decatur GA (pic submitted by Travis)
Commerce Drive @ Trinity, Decatur GA (pic submitted by Travis)
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What will happen to this land? Is it owned by the DDA? Will it be combined with the Cousins site across the street?
Future site of DHS learning cottages
It is owned by the Decatur Housing Authority. This piece is planned to be a market-rate housing or mixed-use development, but should have a portion of affordable units. I don’t think DHA is in a rush to develop this, but it is separate from the Calloway property across the street.
As I’ve heard it, the DHA does not intend to be the developer and plans to sell the parcel off for private development. The anticipated proceeds from the sale are key to helping pay for all the newly constructed units elsewhere on the site.
Anyone know for certain?
That’s how I heard it very recently. And they’ll wait to find the right developer.
Selling public lands to private developers should be a popular idea with some regular commenters on here.
not if they exercise their private property rights to build housing for school ruining children.
I think you missed the important part of Scott’s post. The proceeds of the sale are the “key” to paying for the rest. I have no idea if Scott is right, but if the plan has always been to sell this piece to pay for other units, perhaps DHA should stick to its plan.
And, no, conservatives don’t think all public land should be sold to private developers. We evaluate each on a case by case basis. Try it sometime.
You’re a conservative, DawgFan?
Must be a boring day at the office, Warren Buffett.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a park right there?
Conservative bad, liberal good.
Liberal clueless, conservative aware.
Conservative shill, liberal peon.
Liberal taxes, conservative greed.
Conservative fraud, liberal fraud.
‘If you live in LA LA Land you may as well buy real estate.’
Pave paradise put up a parking lot! Goodbye to the Decatur that was…no green left. Well at least we have the huge community garden behind the Rec. center….BTW conservatives aren’t allowed to live in Decatur, didn’t you know that? That is what Cobb county is for! HA HA!
New DM drinking game: Cite Joni Mitchell in a development-related post.
OK that was the first shot, here’s the second. “Don’t it always seem to go, you don’t know what you’ve lost ’til it’s gone”. Drink up!!
Ummm, I think it was “you don’t know what you’ve GOT ’til it’s gone”.
Otherwise – yeah…
Ok, that was embarrassing.
True. Once it was gone, I realized what we had was some increasingly obsolete, modernist bunkers from the failed era of urban renewal and what we have now is an opportunity to house people in a dignified way and actually pay for it! 😉
I see a mansard roof through the trees
I see a salty message written in the eaves
The ground beneath my feet
The hot garbage and concrete
And now the tops of buildings, I can see them too
-Vampire Weekend
I think even Lyrics Only Guy would nod approvingly at this.