Decatur Craft Beer Festival 2013 Logo Chosen
Decatur Metro | June 28, 2013 | 9:45 amTim points out that it looks as if the Decatur Craft Beer Festival logo has been chosen for 2013!
The logo above now appears on the festival’s website.
Tim points out that it looks as if the Decatur Craft Beer Festival logo has been chosen for 2013!
The logo above now appears on the festival’s website.
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A vast improvement over last year’s.
brianc, you have great skill with the left-handed compliment. Would you consider a match-up with my MIL? We could have wagering and do it on Skype.
Your own comment exhibits a similar finesse. Face to face on Skype? I bet your mother-in-law looks great for a woman her age 😉
Ha! One of her gems: “Your new haircut looks so great…from the back.”
I love it! I won’t make the beer festival again this year as I will be birthing another offspring, but hope someone (hint to J_T) will get us shirts again.
Please reconsider. A live birth at the festival is the one thing it still needs to achieve legendary status.
Ah yes, and give the local brewers some ideas for new introductions for the 2014 menu: APGAR Ale, Doula Dopplebock, Fontanelle Lambic??
Given that you have to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy, a woman in labor deserves a beer! And, in moderation, it’s a folk remedy to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers.
Ha! Hoping that baby is evicted a few weeks prior to the festival, but I will likely still be sleep deprived….and the beer for milk production? Trust me, all over that from last time – oatmeal stout, here I come! Brick Store/Leon’s has a great non-alcoholic beer right now that I drink every Friday night – I am sure some of the other patrons are confused – especially since I also let my toddler try some of “mommy’s beer” – but hey, it’s Decatur!
Mrs J_T did snag me tickets already through the DeKalb History Center silent auction, so I can probably be talked into picking you up a shirt or two. I just hope I have enough money left over to buy them after getting our next tax bill, which you aren’t helping with your continued procreating
Is there an archive somewhere of all the logos? I’d be interested to see them all together!
Killer logo! A much better representation of the quality if our “little” beer festival.
why is the coaster an oval? I’m used to squares or circles.
now that collection of logos might make a nice t-shirt, too. Oops. Have I already given away a money-making idea for some young entrepreneur for free?
Fantastic design!
Anybody wanna hang on my deck this weekend for the Decatur Crap Beer Festival? I’m good for a case of Keystone and a 12 pack of Lime-a-Ritas.
I wish I could dig up some Canadian Ace.
When I was in college in the upper Midwest, there were still a lot of little regional breweries that hadn’t been swallowed up by the big guys yet. We used to buy whatever was on special ($3-4/case) and some were definitely less special than others. Leinenkugel’s and Point were favorites but if the weekly deal was Chippewa Pride, we bought it and drank it. Whenever we had enough cases of empties on the porch, we’d load ’em up and go turn ’em in for a keg. If anybody wants to know how long ago this was, it was far enough in the past that we could also buy kegs at the bar on campus, which was a lot easier because it didn’t require a car, just a hand truck. It is my understanding that 18-years olds can’t even drink legally nowadays. What a puzzling world.
Oh, for the days of 99 cent sixpacks. My dad and I were big fans of Prior Double Dark out of Brooklyn. Schmidt’s from Philly was fairly acceptable, and there was always Munich in a pinch. Regional breweries like Knickerbocker, Rheingold, and Piels may be gone, but if the tradeoff was that we ended up with better beer here in the good old USA than you can get anywhere else on the globe thanks to the craft movement of the last 20 years, I’ll take it.
One of my truly treasured possessions is the small cooler I picked up at the Olympia brewery in Tumwater, WA in 1976. Oh, the places it’s been.
Why, you’re just a kid! They didn’t lower the drinking age to 18 until after I turned 21. It kind of irked me. I thought those 18 year olds should have to go through all the same hassles I did in order to get some beer!
I’ll bring the PBR and Genny Cream.
BTW, have you been served yet? I think I just saw two of the Geopolitically Correct DM regulars filing for an emergency injunction to prevent your use of the word Decatur to describe this plebian gathering in the badlands of unincorporated DeKalb. Or maybe they’ll just email you…
The Decatur Crap Beer Festival is not IN Decatur. The beer will be purchased in Decatur.
Ahhh, memories of Black Label, Busch and Coors. Quite possibly three of the world’s worst swills.
But it was cheap, we were students, and we needed to get our drink on.