DHS Senior Starts Community Garden On-Site
Decatur Metro | March 13, 2009 | 12:30 pmThe AJC’s Kristina Torres has a nice, little feature on DHS senior Anna Rose Gable and her efforts to start a community garden on an unused portion of school property at the corner of Commerce and E. Howard.
The article says plots are available for $65 each, but doesn’t give any contact info for those interested. Anyone have that?
This could be great for those of us that would like to start a little vegetable garden, but are covered by a very dense tree canapy.
It also doesn’t give any detail about how the plots would be watered.
Hi! For those of you who’d like more info, please visit the DHS Garden Google Group at http://groups.google.com/group/dhs-garden. Search “Plot Agreement” for plot specifics.
Good question about water – we have a hydrant on-site and just received funding to put a meter on it. So if all goes according to plan, we should have water next week.
Thanks for your interest – hope to see you at the garden!
-Anna Rose