Buy Your Girl Scout Cookies On the Square This Saturday!
Decatur Metro | March 5, 2009Did the resident cookie mom or dad in your office forget to tell you that their kid’s not selling cookies this year and now you find yourself scavenging Craigslist at 3am looking for ways to get your hands on just one box of half-eaten Samoas? Well there’s still hope for you! – well, at least as far as Girl Scout cookies are concerned. Geez, you really need to get a grip!
Sallyann writes in…
It’s Cookie Time!:
Troop 28443 will be selling Girl Scout Cookies on the square on Saturday, March 7th from 11 – 2.
Get them while they’re freshly wrapped and delicious!
Facebook friend says: “Why the Hell do Girl Scout cookies always get delivered during Lent?!”
Hmmm…why don’t Brownies sell brownies?.
Good question, Lump!
It’s going to be cookie heaven in Decatur! Troop 28418 will be selling in front of Mingei from 12-2. No need to be without your thin mints!
“First one’s freeeeeeeee….”
*looks up the street* “HEY! Where my money at? Don’t make me chase you!”
Thin mints- put them in the freezer. Sooooo good!
See you on the square!
—or on Church Street– cookies everywhere!!