Elected Parents for School Leadership Teams Announced
Decatur Metro | September 19, 2008 | 9:02 amThe CSD has posted a list of the parents that have been elected to its brand spankin’ new Leadership Teams, which will lead our city schools forward under the new charter designation.
Clairemont – Anita Corbett, Andrew Lewis, Robert Pope, Allison Taylor
Oakhurst – Jonathan Hull, Mary Stoops, Anthony Whatley
Winnona Park – Paul Ferraro, Aaron Hillegass, Kim Rossi, Eve Wyatt
Glennwood – John Garrison, Gabriel Ramirez , Karen Simmons
Renfroe Middle – Peg Bumgardner, Laura Fehrs, Lexie Parker
Decatur High – David Hughes, Lew Lefton, Susan Strickland
I guess we can assume that Clairemont and Winnona Park will have larger Leadership Teams, since they have elected four parents instead of three.
And according to a comment by Winnona Park principal Greg Wiseman in a previous post, the full teams still need to appoint a final member from the community to give parents the majority.