Former Dogwood Brewer Hard at Work @ Twains
Decatur Metro | October 13, 2007So here’s something that I wasn’t aware of. An Access Atlanta blurb about Twain’s brewpub points out that the man in charge of the barrels at the corner of Church and Trinity is none other than the former head brewer of Dogwood Brewery, Jordan Fleetwood.
As one that sincerely misses picking up six bottles of Dogwood at the Farmer’s Market or Decatur Package Store, I was quite intrigued by this bit of information. I haven’t been to Twain’s since they renovated and installed the brewery, but this point may motivate me to brave that intersection again.
Go to Twains’ website to view Jordan’s latest hoppy creations.
HatTip: In Decatur
The real Sam Clemens once quipped, “Scotch whisky … I always take it at night as a preventive of toothache. I have never had the toothache; and what is more, I never intend to have it.” Sounds like he’d have been at home amongst the Brick Store’s extensive scotch list.
MJC, that’s great, I am visiting your site and am going to post some comments, with links and promotions from affiliate networks, along with all my friends, so that we can make some good money doing so. Thanks for the opportunity.
Ha! Yeah, sometimes that crap gets through the spam blocker dedogur. I’ve deleted the comment.
You should most of the stuff that is caught. Endless naughty words with links to who knows where. Ah the internet…is there anything it can’t do?
DM – Can you create an uncensored thread that contains all the naughtiness? You know, for its anthropological value.