A nice little update/description of Slice & Pint from the Clifton Community Partnership newsletter, coming soon to the old Everybody’s location in Emory Village…
Crawford Moran, the owner and brewmaster of 5 Seasons Brewing Co., is set to open a new brewery restaurant, Slice & Pint, in the space occupied by Everybody’s Pizza for 41 years.
That space will be renovated and open as a new pizza restaurant and beer bar concept his summer. Plans include an on-site brewery completed approximately in six months after the opening.
The idea for Slice and Pint goes back to when Dogwood Brewing Co. closed in 2004.
He sees the Village as a great opportunity in a great neighborhood where his concept will be fun to develop and enjoy. Moran said he will be hiring a pizza maker and a brewer, and that handcrafted pizza and handcrafted beer will be central to the concept.
The four basic food groups will be served…That’s beer, pizza, chocolate, and other stuff. The restaurant will operate in partnership with small, local, organic farms and chefs will create daily specials with their products.