Starting July 1st, Decatur Residents Need To Separate Glass For Recycling
Decatur Metro | June 23, 2016 | 9:17 amThe City of Decatur send around this notice early this week to inform residents that starting next Friday, July 1st, we will need to separate our glass recycling from all other trash and recycling to get it recycled.
The message on the back is similar to the one posted on the city’s recycling page…
Separated glass collection services begin July 1, 2016.
New rules set by recycling facilities dictate that glass must be collected separately from other recyclables. Decatur residents will need two bins – one bin for glass only, and one for paper, plastics and metal. Residents will be responsible for providing the second bin, and there are no stipulations regarding type or color, though it should be 18 gallons or smaller. Your recycling will be picked up the same day as your garbage. See the City of Decatur single family residential waste collection schedule here.
The note on the reverse of the card also points out that the annual sanitation fee for the new fiscal year has increased from $250 to $275 to cover the cost for separated glass recycling.
The city has wrestled with what to do about glass recycling since early this year, as industry demand for recycled glass has declined and recyclers are now often refusing to accept it. The city asked residents what they wanted to do and via an online city survey and 90% of respondents were willing to pay $25 to $35 more a year to recycle glass.
So that’s what’s happening.
Finally, will the glass actually be recycled? According to the city’s glass recycling FAQ – YES.
Yes. The glass collected from the separated residential curbside program will be sent to a recovery facility called Strategic Materials. They are a processor for recycled glass used in a wide array of products such as containers, fiberglass insulation, and countertops