Decatur Proposes Streets To Be Paved in 2018

Each year, the city gets funding from the Georgia Department of Transportation’s (GDOT) Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant (LMIG) program to pave a few local roads.

This year, the city is proposing paving the following streets, according to a letter included in the city commission’s agenda this evening…

  • Westchester Drive – from Scott Boulevard to Harold Byrd Drive
  • Harold Byrd Drive – from Westchester to the dead end
  • Northern Ave – from West Ponce to Oakland Street
  • Avery Street – from Winnona Drive to Kirk Road
  • Fifth Avenue – from Oakview Road to Northern Street (city limits)

The city selects streets after an evaluation of streets from engineering stuff, and taking complaints and inquiries received from citizens into consideration.

Photo courtesy of Decatur Extreme Makeover website

5 thoughts on “Decatur Proposes Streets To Be Paved in 2018”

  1. This is weird. Decaturish has a totally different list with a link to a different document also dated for tonight’s meeting.

  2. Hiya Scott,
    Is it for two separate contracts/types of repairs? i.e. Resurfacing vs. Milling and repaving?
    Looks like the contracts amounts are different.

  3. City might want to look at traffic counts in their decisions. Coventry from railroad tracks to Scott Blvd is a terrible stretch of pavement with heavy commuter traffic. Just sayin’.

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