Deanne sends along the info for this Thursday, Oct 12th’s District One Candidate’s Forum…
City of Decatur
District 1 (A) Commissioner
Thursday, October 12, 2017
7-8:30 PM
The Church at Decatur Heights
735 Sycamore Drive Decatur, GA 30030Hosted by the Decatur Heights Neighborhood Association
All City of Decatur residents are invited to hear from candidates Betty Blondeau, Melissa Manrow, Tim Martin and Kelly Walsh on key topics of interest to our community.
Moderator Bill Banks is a longtime city resident and reporter covering city government for the AJC.
Don’t forget to VOTE NOVEMBER 7th!
Early voting starts October 16th
Special thanks to The Church at Decatur Heights for providing the space and event support.
Thanks, DM!
DM, thank you so much for supporting our neighborhood’s efforts all these years. You ROCK!!
[And Goodness! The consternation I’ve caused you each time with the Candidate Vs Candidates forum thing– and now the danged possessive form has jumped into the fray! Maybe DM commenters should hash it out once and for all! :0) ]