Free-For-All Friday 1/20/17
Decatur Metro | January 20, 2017 | 7:38 amFeel free to use this post to make comments and ask questions about local issues not yet discussed here over the past week.
Feel free to use this post to make comments and ask questions about local issues not yet discussed here over the past week.
« Eye on the Street Come Sing with the Oakhurst Community Choir! »
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The ………. Day is here
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Morning y’all! Anything special going on today?
Yeah, it’s January and the high will be 70. That seems pretty special to me!
Not much. Just tidying my fallout shelter.
It’s a great day. An amazing day. When power changes hands peacefully, humbly and graciously, in the most powerful nation that’s ever existed, we celebrate that we have a government that serves the people, and not the other way around. Regardless of everything else, it’s good to be an American citizen on a day like today.
Humble and gracious? Donald trump?
G Buck must be working on a new comedy routine. Pretty funny.
No humor. Humble on the part of outgoing leaders; gracious on the part of those arriving. Both 44 and 45 played their roles very well today.
The Oakhurst Community Choir is gearing up for our 2017 spring session and we want you to come join in the musical fun!
The Oakhurst Community Choir is a friendly, non-audition, independent choir established in 2013. Our goal is to bring together members of our community to share in the joy and benefits of communal singing in a fun, informal and low commitment setting. We welcome singers of all experience levels and the choir is open to all teens and adults as well as pre-teens accompanied by an older family member. There is also no requirement that choir members actually live in Oakhurst! We have singers from a variety of neighborhoods in both Decatur and Atlanta. In addition to our time spent singing together, our choristers often retire to a local establishment after rehearsals for some socializing.
Rehearsals take place on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm at the Solarium at 321 West Hill Street in Oakhurst, Feb. 22nd through May 17th. The theme for this semester is Popular Songs from the 1940s to the Present and the season will culminate with several community performances.
Membership for the session costs $60, which includes the cost of sheet music.
To register or for further information, please contact Alice Reeves, our Executive Director, at [email protected] . Choir members who sign up by January 31st will have their music ordered for them through the choir. After that, singers will be responsible for ordering their own music (membership fee will be reduced accordingly).
We look forward to singing with you!
Re: January and a high of 70 – without the furnace running much, I need to get the basement dehumidifier working again. Motor, etc., runs, just puts out no water. Any recommendations? In-house/basement, or take it somewhere? Thanks.
Mine was almost as expensive to get fixed as it was to buy a new one — I chose the latter.
We have replaced ours several times via returning cuz it’s faulty. How old is yours?
There was a big (3.4 million units sold from January 2003 through December 2013) dehumidifier recall campaign in November that included our Frigidaire model. Maybe yours is included. They’re shipping us a replacement.
Don’t know what capacity you need, but if you’re looking for a rec my SoleusAir 25 pint that I bought as a scratch-and-dent six years ago is still going strong.
Yes! Part of the Frigidaire recall!! (What I get for not returning the product registration.) Thank you, Decatur Metro!!!
I wonder if the City Schools of Decatur will stop everything today and turn on the inauguration for the students to watch as they have done the last two times. And before you reply that it was historic because the president was a man of color…I will remind you that orange is a color too.
I’m really shocked that this is even a controversy. Kids need to see that elections mean things. Democracy isn’t a safe space.
I think it’s hard for kids who are part of a group that is marginalized by this president or whose friends fall into that category to feel forced to watch the inauguration. My daughter was told that she could step out of the room.
I understand it’s painful. Definitely wasn’t my preferred outcome. But I also think adversity can be instructive. You can’t fix problems by running away from them or ignoring them. Trump’s election happened because our institutions – our media in particular – failed us. It’s an important lesson in what happens when you take those institutions for granted. I don’t want anyone to be hurt by President Trump or his policies. But turning our eyes from it won’t stop that, I’m afraid. Also, kids are far more resilient than parents give them credit for.
They are resilient, yes. But today is too close to saying goodbye to a man who wasn’t the greatest president but lived with grace and dignity and enabled the feeling that these marginalized groups can do whatever they set out to do. Plus we have 4 years to be instructed in adversity.
I’ll definitely miss how President Obama carried himself in difficult times. I think history will look very kindly on him.
those of us who use the term “safe space” as a pejorative are likely so blind to the safe space that has been built for us at the expense of others that we are not likely to see the irony.
As to showing the inauguration, I HOPE SO! I was very disappointed that my daughter’s class at RMS was interrupted to show Hillary’s concession speech, but DJT’s election victory speech was not shown. Either show the entire process, or none of it. As much time has been spent debating this election cycle, I believe it is entirely appropriate to show the inauguration.
one happened during school hours and one did not. is that relevant?
For me, it was not relevant. The acceptance speech could have been shown, as I am sure it was available in thousands of places online. I default to showing either nothing, or all.
so what should teachers showing the inauguration today show later to even out?
Even out what, reality? We have a newly elected President. “If you don’t respect the man, respect the position.” Pretty great quote for me.
i erroneously assumed you perceived bias or imbalance in showing only the hillary “reality,” so i assumed you were making a case for showing as complete a picture of events related to the election as possible. hence my question about what should be shown to complete that balance or that picture. but i see now that i misunderstood your concern.
Maybe the women’s march. I understand some Decatur teachers are participating. Would be great for the kids to see their teachers walking the walk.
I agree with this suggestion! My reply did not indicate that my concern was anything other than imbalance. Bowing out now…happy Friday ya’ll.
Some Decatur students are attending the March tomorrow in D.C.
I have an RMS 7th grader, and I got an email home telling me that they would be watching the inauguration for two periods today.
My 6th grader reports he watched it at RMS. He was unhappy about it because he’s really been put off of politics.
Does anyone here remember the specifics about Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snickett) getting his book banned from a Decatur school? He made reference to it in an old NPR interview that was recently rebroadcast. I’m told this incident happened in 1999, but don’t know much else. I’m way more fascinated by this story than I should be, but I’m surprised it wasn’t picked up by the AJC at the time. The paper used to be more wall to wall with its coverage than it is today and I’d like to think something like that didn’t slip under the radar. If you have details – including names of the parties involved – please shoot me an email: [email protected] or [email protected] . I’d like to know just to satisfy my own curiosity. Thanks!
Happy Friday to all! I have a smart tv that has a dumb, annoying problem. It’s a Sharp and is only a year old. Randomly, I lose volume. As far as I can figure out, there is no pattern or time frame to this happening. It happens when I’m watching live tv or recorded shows. The only way I can get the volume back is to re-do the Easy Setup on the original menu. When that is complete, which can take 1 minute or up to 20 minutes, the screen goes grey. I then have to reset the cable box and wait for that to finish. Then finally I have volume back. I have Directv and they sent me a new cable box to try to fix the problem…no help. They said they couldn’t come check it unless the volume was out. Has this happened to anyone else and you were able to solve the problem? Or do you know of someone, economical in cost, that could see if they could figure this aggravating problem out? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Gatree- Have you tried Googling your problem to see if it is shared by others? Just yesterday did an easy repair (soldering of 3 new capacitors) after Googling the problem (TV would not turn on) and finding a How-To video on YouTube. I had no special electronic skills prior to that. The capacitors were about 30 cents apiece on Amazon and the repair took me about an hour (including taking the back of the set off). I know your problem is different, but there might be an easy solution waiting for you on YouTube. Good Luck!
Have you called the tv manufacturer? It sounds like the problem is with the tv rather than the cable provider. If purchased with a credit card, you may have an extended warranty you can take advantage of.
If you bought it during, say, a Black Friday discount period, you likely got a different model than the one they sell the rest of the year. These models often have cheaper components, and the speaker is a likely candidate to be substandard. If so, a replacement part will be the same cheap crap, so I think your better option is to purchase an audio bar with subwoofer and plug it into your audio out.
I meant to send this out earlier, but a few weeks ago I worked with David and John over at Brown Mfg. Company / Starr in Avondale Estates to create a few custom bottle openers for my family right before Xmas. They were awesome to deal with and had my order ready to go in about a day. The bottle openers turned out great and were a huge hit with my family. Definitely check them out.
Solarize Decatur-DeKalb has quadrupled the amount of residential solar in DeKalb County, and you still have a chance to get in on the action. Pricing is at the highest (lowest?) tier: $2.70/watt, which is ~25% off. And you get a 30% Federal tax credit on top of that.
Deadline is Jan 31 to indicate your interest by signing up at That doesn’t commit you to anything other than getting a free solar evaluation for your house. You’ll have until the end of May to make a decision about signing a contract.
We’re going to have one more open house if you’re interested in learning more. Next Weds (1/25) at 6:30 pm at Decatur CoWorks downtown.
Hate to be a pessimist, but reasonable to assume that 30% Federal tax credit will vaporize under the new administration?
I’m thinking likely not. It already has a sunset provision in a few years (don’t remember the exact date offhand, but 2020ish) and was part of compromise energy legislation last year so I don’t see a lot of desire by the Congresscritters to take it up again.
I posted this on my Facebook page last night with a picture of us on the mall. Nick has a copy.
Eight years ago, I brought thirty seven Decatur High School students to see Barack Obama take the oath of office. That was quite an experience. Pictured front left was fellow DHS teacher Jenna Black. That’s me in the upper left (I stilll wear that hat!) Bob Herndon took the picture (Jenna and Bob still live in Decatur). We arrived at the mall around 3:30 in the morning. The picture was taken around 1:30PM. Don’t let the smiling faces fool you. We were frozen! We left the mall and discovered the metro had broken down. Thankfully one of the Smithsonian museums allowed us to warm up inside. We ended up walking back to our hotel in Alexandria VA. What a day!
It was a great experience with many fond memories but I wouldn’t want to do it again. Once was enough.
Once again, we have a DHS Close Up team at the inaugural. Much has changed since 2009 but let us hope and pray that our nation will move forward and unite with the same spirit that motivated Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Reagan and Obama.
Please keep DHS teacher Mr. Chris Curtis, fellow chaperones and more than fifty students in D.C. tonight in your prayers as they plan for tomorrow’s inaugural (They are on the mall right now). In addition to attending the swearing in ceremony, the students will lay a wreath at the National WWII Memorial in honor of the more than thirty DHS students who gave their lives during the war so we can live free. God Bless America!
Used the MyDecaturGA app to identify a swinging broken tree branch over the sidewalk at Coventry/Scott this morning. Took one minute to do and the branch was taken care by city staff by lunchtime. If you aren’t plugged in to this great app, take a minute and download and sign in.
In the interest of equal opportunity for all (Android users)
I have found this app useful too. But one reviewer says that it’s a battery hog. True?
Not for me. Don’t need to leave it running all the time.