No More Cones on Commerce Drive!
Decatur Metro | March 29, 2016 | 2:41 pmBreaking news! Cones gone from Commerce Drive Scott Boulevard!
Photo courtesy of Chris
Breaking news! Cones gone from Commerce Drive Scott Boulevard!
Photo courtesy of Chris
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Except that’s Commerce Drive…
That’s Commerce. Still excellent news, though.
Update Harmony Park still not finished!
I think you mean Commerce Drive. That’s not a picture of Scott Blvd.!
Ha, I’m a moron. Got Scott Boulevard on the brain apparently.
It’s not like the cones slowed anyone down… I watched many drivers who apparently thought they meant speed up!
They meant slow down? I thought it was a slalom course.
At times their unclear placement caused confused cars to treat it like a slalom course. Especially at night.
speeding up because I am sure they wanted to get past that awful looking apartment project without seeing it – that project has got to be in the top ten worst looking projects I have seen. I think my five year old could come up with a better design not too mention a better color palette.
speeding is dangerous. it’s best to just close your eyes until you’ve driven past it.
They need to put those those cones back up…on Scott Blvd.
Hey is this an early April Fool’s joke? Cuz I gotta see it to believe it.
If I was still a teenager, I’d go get some cones and put them all back. Just to see how long they’d last.
(Good thing I haven’t been a teenager since before we had paved roads.)
Interesting how Commerce Drive now has a posted 25mph speed limit. Did I miss an initiative on this or did it just get decided by city staff?